
    We need to warn you about a scam complaint we received involving the website ProClubTeam.com. According to the details, this fraudulent platform lures victims by pretending to be a legitimate investment opportunity. The scammers behind ProClubTeam.com have also used Telegram for communication, giving false promises and pushing victims into sending money to accounts linked to Atomic Wallet. They even fabricated cryptocurrency transactions, particularly USDT, which were flagged as part of a phishing scheme. We know they requested payments in Canadian dollars through e-transfers, which were sent to a Canadian money exchanger before being forwarded to their fraudulent accounts. They claimed victims needed to purchase a “crypto license” to access their profits. This fabricated fee often ranged as high as $99,000. While one payment was made toward this false claim, the victim refused to send more when additional demands were made.

    The scam began when ProClubTeam.com presented itself as a safe and profitable investment platform. The victim trusted the scammers due to their convincing communication and the website’s professional appearance. Over time, the scammers increased their demands, asking for repeated payments and disguising them as fees for transferring profits or meeting compliance requirements. As investigators, we found that the fake cryptocurrency transfers were designed to confuse the victim and create the illusion of legitimacy. While appearing real, these transactions were entirely fabricated to buy the scammers more time to extract additional funds.

    We urge you to be cautious of any platform asking for upfront payments under the guise of fees, licenses, or taxes to access your funds. Scammers often use these tactics to trap you into sending money without delivering on their promises. If a website asks for payment via untraceable methods like cryptocurrency, it’s a major red flag. Legitimate companies won’t ask you for such payments to access your money. The use of Telegram for communication further emphasizes the fraudulent nature of this scam, as it allows scammers to remain anonymous and untraceable.

    After analyzing the methods, demands, and behaviors associated with ProClubTeam.com, we firmly believe this is a scam. There are no indications that the website ever intended to fulfill its promises to investors. The fraudulent use of cryptocurrency transactions, phishing tactics, and pressure for ongoing payments all point to a sophisticated operation designed to defraud victims. Stay vigilant, and if you have interacted with this website, contact professional investigators to trace your funds and document the scam properly. By sharing this warning, we hope to help you avoid falling into the same trap.

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