
    This is the transcript


    Chat Transcript

    Visitor: Tariq

    Accepted Operator: Operator 1

    Company: okex888

    Started: 29-Feb-2024 1:33:56 AM

    Finished: 29-Feb-2024 1:37:18 AM


    1:33:56 AM: Tariq:

    How to unfreeze account


    1:33:56 AM: System:

    Welcome Tariq! Your request has been directed to our support team. Please wait for an operator to answer your call.


    1:34:07 AM: System:

    Call accepted by operator Operator 1. Currently in room: Operator 1, Tariq.


    1:34:15 AM: Operator 1:

    Please provide your Email address.


    1:34:20 AM: Tariq:



    1:34:23 AM: Operator 1:

    Please wait while we check for you.


    1:35:42 AM: Operator 1:

    Dear User: As advised, your account was frozen because you failed to comply with the instructions necessary to finish your withdrawals. As of the moment, if you wish to move on as per system stipulations, you’re required to settle 5001 USDT from the second address that you used to recharge with us for the unfreezing of your account and continue using the platform. Once ready, we will provide the receiving address. Thank you.


    1:36:36 AM: Tariq:

    Send me the instructions for withdrawals please




    Visitor Details

    Your Name: Tariq

    Your Question: How to unfreeze account

    Referrer: https://vm.thasmoll.com/

    Browser/OS: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; SAMSUNG SM-G996B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/23.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36





    This transcript email message was automatically generated by ProvideSupport.com


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