SalvisbergAssets Review – Salvis Asset Management

Welcome to our Salvis Asset Management review, in which we investigate the website at

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The domain has been registered with the domain registrar NameCheap, Inc., as of December 30, 2023, and is set to expire a year from its registration date. The website is hosted by Namecheap, with its hosting provider and IP address pointing to a server in the United States. An SEO audit suggests that currently holds a low authority score of 2 and does not rank on Semrush’s domain rankings. Its organic search traffic is non-existent, which may indicate that the domain is new or not yet established in terms of search engine visibility. No keywords are associated with the domain; it has only a few backlinks and referring domains.

The backlinks identified are all ‘nofollow,’ indicating that while the website may be mentioned on other platforms, these do not contribute to its SEO ranking. The referring domains listed include domain-related and website checker services, alluding to a potential strategy for increasing visibility or tracking domain metrics.

None of the indexed pages appear to have any backlinks, which could suggest either a new website still gaining traction or one that is not engaging in significant SEO practices to establish its online presence.

As for the website’s content, the titles of indexed pages suggest a focus on asset management, privacy policies, regional information, and user schema previews, but without any backlinks or traffic analytics available, the impact and reach of these pages are not clear. Review

Salvisberg Asset Management, presenting itself under the domain, poses as an investment company offering opportunities in a plethora of markets, including cryptocurrency, oil and gas, stock market, and real estate. Upon delving into the details, the company asserts that by pooling funds from investors, they can partake in diversified portfolios meant to spread risk and tap into the growth potential of various markets.

The website details a stepwise process for potential investors, beginning with registration, followed by fund depositing, investment commencement, and finally, earning and withdrawing money. The company’s contact details are provided as “,” and they list an address in Luzern, Switzerland, indicating the presence of an established physical office.

Red Flags

However, several elements prompt critical scrutiny. For one, the website employs tactics commonly associated with online investment scams. These include an array of promises for high returns on investment and sophisticated-sounding services, from ‘Fixed Deposit Options’ to becoming a ‘Regional Representative,’ which typically serve to allure the unassuming investor.

Moreover, despite asserting a Swiss base, the presence of a North American IP address raises questions about the actual location of their operations. Coupled with this is the use of a privacy service to withhold registrant information, which can be a tactic to obscure identities and complicate any potential legal action.

Analytically, the website’s credibility is further undermined by its low authority score and the lack of organic traffic, as analytics tools indicate. The site doesn’t rank for any keywords, nor does it seem to draw in paid traffic, which could suggest that the site isn’t reaching or engaging with a significant audience.

Additionally, the site’s backlink profile is minimal and includes nofollow links from pages listing newly registered domains or asking for reviews, which do not contribute to a robust or authentic online presence.

Critically, the promised services of Salvisberg Asset Management, such as the ‘Fixed Deposit Option’ and the ‘Regional Representative’ strategy, are tell-tale signs of a potentially fraudulent scheme. These offerings often function as red herrings to divert attention from the questionable authenticity of the business. Moreover, the site’s mimicry of legitimate investment terminologies and methodologies does not match rigorous analysis. The lack of verifiable success stories or data, the absence of a significant online footprint in terms of organic search presence, and the anonymity of the website’s proprietors compound the suspicion.

Salvis Asset Management Reviews emerges as a suspicious financial platform offering investment services across various markets, including cryptocurrencies. Registered recently on December 30, 2023, the platform is under scrutiny for its legitimacy due to several red flags and critical online feedback. A trust score of merely 1% from highlights extreme caution, underscoring the platform’s questionable reliability. Further investigation into online safety assessments by yields a low safety score of 25 out of 100, reinforcing concerns about the site’s security and the risk of potential scams.

Notably, Salvisberg Asset Management attempts to establish credibility through its website, showcasing investment opportunities in markets such as the stock market, oil and gas, real estate, and cryptocurrency. However, its recent inception, combined with a lack of substantial user traffic and engagement, casts doubt on its claims and operational integrity.

Compounding the suspicion, the website has been flagged on a phishing tracker, indicating its association with malicious content. Despite these warnings, Salvisberg Asset Management promotes itself via a Telegram channel (@salvisbergassetgroups), aiming to connect with a broader audience. The channel claims to offer high-quality international investment services, yet the significant concerns raised by scam detection and website safety evaluations advise potential investors to proceed cautiously.

The platform’s alleged physical presence in Luzern, Switzerland, and its outreach efforts via email ( and social media do little to mitigate the apprehensions about its legitimacy. Review Conclusion

In the vast and often nebulous world of online investments, platforms like present a paradoxical case. On the one hand, they promise access to lucrative markets, leveraging the allure of cryptocurrencies and other high-growth areas. On the other hand, the red flags raised by trust score assessments and scam detection tools cast long shadows over these promises, urging caution and skepticism.

Navigating this landscape requires more than an understanding of investment principles; it demands a keen sense of discernment about where to place one’s trust.’s critical evaluations, marked by alarmingly low safety scores and associations with potentially malicious content, serve as stark reminders of the risks lurking in the online investment arena.

Yet, outright labeling as a scam without direct evidence of fraudulent activity would be premature. The digital age has taught us that reputations, both good and bad, can be built on the shaky ground of perception as much as reality. What is clear, however, is that the platform operates within a realm of significant uncertainty and risk, a domain where the hopeful investor might too easily become prey.

The Bottom Line Regarding Salvis Asset Management

In conclusion, the essence of wisdom in this context lies not in the binary of scam versus legitimacy but in the prudent approach of due diligence and the pursuit of verifiable transparency. As enticing as the prospects offered by might appear, the informed investor should tread cautiously, armed with the knowledge that in the digital marketplace, not all that glitters is gold. The decision to engage with, therefore, should be made with both eyes wide open, mindful of the potential pitfalls that accompany the promise of profit.

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17 thoughts on “SalvisbergAssets Review – Salvis Asset Management”

  1. From October 2023, I invested $10,000 in Salvisberg Investment Company, payment of guaranteed interest and return of deposit, but after about 5 months my capital cannot be withdrawn, about $35,000 in the user …. and about $5,000 to … To withdraw from the account, an additional amount is requested for tax If there is money in the account, he can withdraw because it was not possible to complain about the foreign site in Iran. I

    1. Hi Hamid,

      Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience with Salvisberg Investment Company. We’re sorry to hear about the issues you’re facing with your investment.

      Unfortunately, your situation is a classic example of an investment scam. Here are a few points to consider:

      1. Guaranteed high returns with no risk are often a red flag. Legitimate investments carry risks, and returns can never be guaranteed.

      2. Difficulty in withdrawing your funds and demands for additional payments (like taxes) to access your money are common tactics used by scammers to extract more money from victims.

      3. It can indeed be challenging to take legal action against foreign companies, especially from countries like Iran where there are additional restrictions.

      What You Can Do:

      1. Cease any further payments to the company. Do not pay any additional fees or taxes they demand.

      2. Collect all communication, transaction records, and any other relevant documents. This will be crucial if you decide to pursue legal action or file a complaint.

      3. Report your experience to your local authorities and relevant financial regulatory bodies. Even if action can’t be taken directly against the company, your report can help prevent others from falling victim.

      We hope this information helps, and we’re here to support you through this difficult time.

      Best regards,

      The ScamCrypto Team

        1. Hi Hamid,

          Thank you for reaching out. We recommend working closely with a company like CNC Intelligence. Their team of experts specializes in asset recovery and has a strong track record of success. They can guide you through the process and provide the necessary support to help recover your capital.

    2. snaden abel +1 (928) 495-3946 This number was one of those who advertised in this company and claimed that many people were obtained from this company. He tricked me into investing in higher plans with higher amounts and I decided to get his WhatsApp number. It is not active in Telegram. Since the removal of the site, he was no longer responsive on Telegram. This person is definitely a scam member of the site. To be introduced to the competent authorities for review

      1. We understand that Snaden Abel, who advertised with this company and claimed many people were obtained from it, tricked you into investing in higher plans with larger amounts. After obtaining his WhatsApp number, you found it inactive on Telegram, and since the removal of the site, he has been unresponsive on Telegram.

        Thank you for providing this information.

  2. Alireza Fazlishahri

    +44 7424 423932

    This number
    was one of those who advertised widely about the company and claimed that he had made huge profits from this company for two years. He was encouraging me and other customers to invest in higher plans with higher amounts and I was able to get his WhatsApp number. It is no longer active in Telegram. Since the removal of the site, he was no longer responsive in Telegram. This person is definitely one of the fraudulent members of the site. Introduce to the competent authorities for consideration. Thanks

    1. Hi Alireza,

      Thank you for sharing this information with us. We understand how frustrating and concerning it is to deal with such fraudulent activities. We will make sure to forward this information to the relevant authorities for further investigation. If you have any additional details or evidence, please feel free to share them with us.

  3. Alireza Fazlishahri

    This was the previous domain of this hat company in 2023, which was renamed to the new domain in 2024.

    1. Hi Alireza,

      We appreciate you providing the information about the previous domain. This will help us in our investigation and in alerting other potential victims about the name change tactic. Thank you for your vigilance.

    1. Hi Alireza,

      Thank you for your warning. We agree that it is crucial to raise awareness about such scams. We will continue to monitor and report on these fraudulent activities to help protect others.

  4. Hi
    I want to inform you about this fake company and tell about them
    It’s a absolutely fake company and they cheating on me for example. They were took my mony and after several weeks, they didn’t get back my profits and even my own money.
    Please inform every body you can.
    Tanks so much

    1. Hi Mehdi,

      Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. We understand that navigating financial relationships can be challenging, especially if the experience doesn’t meet your expectations.

      At, we aim to provide a platform for both reporting potential scams and also for companies to respond to such allegations. To ensure fairness and thoroughness, we invite SalvisbergAssets, the company in question, to respond to these claims.

      In the meantime, we encourage you to provide more detailed information about your interaction with SalvisbergAssets. Specific details can help us and our readers better understand the situation.

      We hope for a resolution to your situation and will do our best to assist by providing information and resources.

      Thank you,

      1. Thank you for your attention!
        To adding more information about salvisbergassets, I should tell you that the domain get out of reach since 3 days ago and it’s not available yet!
        Plus it, while the websites was in touch, I had made 4 withdrawal request from my profits and even my own mony that none of them get processes until today! And nobody responded!

        Tanx again
        Have good days

        1. Alireza Fazlishahri

          This site attracts customers from different countries of the world with a false investment period and with the promise of huge profits of money and capital in the form of digital currency Tether or Ethereum and Bitcoin blocks, and on the pretext of Swiss government taxes, the site is shut down after a short period of time.

          This is post in telegram channels

          Dear Valued Client,

          This is from the financial team; In respect of your pending successive withdrawals of $115 and $1097, the company has placed a SWISS GOVERNMENT TAX clearance charge of $1499 on your account.
          The provision follow on accelerated measures to improve energy saving technologies and develop renewable energy source and to further motivate the rational use of electricity energy by consumers, this means that this tax fee is a one time fee and it’s charged on the withdrawal on investor account which you are to pay once and your account won’t be limited toward any pending withdrawal again.
          We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, just make payment of $1499 for tax fee and your pending withdrawals will be completed immediately and also your referrals’ pending withdrawals can be processed at once as well.

          Thank you for choosing Salvisberg Asset Management company for your financial trading needs.

          Methods of payment:
          – USDT(TRC20): TQhMoAbc9xymGSm4aZ6UFnrDq1QquLzqct
          – Bitcoin: bc1ql8rd0rkfxjdy2qqrwplg8z2g5jxf62dqz57cyd
          – Ethereum: 0xd72E582DC901937f9Ad39cf0844959e3BecC2168

          Salvisberg Support
          MARCH, 2024

          1. Hi Alireza,

            Thank you for providing this detailed information. It’s clear that this scam is sophisticated and targets people with false promises and fabricated tax demands. We will include this information in our report to warn others about these tactics. Please let us know if you have personally lost any money to this scam and, if so, how much. Your experience can help us better understand the impact and assist in our investigation.

            If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

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