ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Reports and Alerts Stay Away from – Potential Cryptocurrency Scam

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  • #1102 Reply

      We came across the following complaint:

      I am reaching out to share a serious warning about a cryptocurrency scam that has affected me and several friends, involving a fraudulent website called My personal Facebook page was compromised by hackers located in Vietnam around July 10, 2023. The hackers impersonated me and falsely advertised cryptocurrency investment opportunities to my contacts. Despite multiple reports to Facebook, the FBI, and the attorney general, the fraudulent activities have persisted.

      Key Details of the Scam:

      • Scam URL:
      • Scammer’s Location: Unknown (Hacking incident traced back to Vietnam)
      • Date of First Incident: July 10, 2023
      • Victims’ Total Reported Losses: $30,000
      • Targeted Location: Massachusetts, USA (02128)
      • Scam Type: Cryptocurrency

      The scammers have gone as far as using photos of my 11-year-old daughter on the scam website and continue to manipulate people into sending large sums of money. One friend was defrauded out of $26,000, another $3,000, and a third $1,000, with the latter still in contact with the scammer. It is deeply troubling that these criminals are exploiting trust and personal relationships to carry out their fraudulent schemes.

      If you or someone you know has been affected by this scam or any activity related to, please share your story. It is crucial we gather more information and raise awareness to prevent further victimization. Your experience could provide valuable insights for ongoing investigations and help track the perpetrators.

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    • Author
      • #1592 Reply
        Elyse Mills-Fletcher

          I was approached through facebook by a friend of a friend, a Lori Gaeth Walocha, who was friendly and interesting. This was back in late October, early November of last year. She brought up crypto trading sometime in December, I wasn’t interested in it but watched her page and it looked like she was legitimately helping people make money and get out of debt, pay off mortgages, student loans make enough to buy new cars etc. Back in March of this year I let her guide me to buy $500 in Bitcoin through Coinbase and after a week or so transfer to an account she set up for me on ExpertCoinPro. My initial investment, I transferred $492 to Expert, became an investment of $1714. She told me to just leave it for a bit and she’d coach me about investing it further. I didn’t text with her for about 3 weeks and when I did I discovered her page was gone. She has another one, still is a friend but wil not communicate with me. I feel scammed and just discovered speaking with anothe crypto trader that Expert is a scam. At least it was less than $500 lost, I have $9 left on Coinbase and now leery of any trading with anybody.
          I haven’t tried to withdraw my money from Expert nor have I set up my banking info with them. I don’t know what to do at this point.


        • #1591 Reply
          Elyse Mills-Fletcher

            Updating, misspelled the name. Lori Gaeth Walocha, apparently she was hacked.


            • #1597 Reply

                Hi Elyse,

                I’m sorry to hear about your experience with ExpertCoinPro. It does sound like you’ve been scammed, especially given that Lori Gaeth Walocha has ceased communication, and her page has disappeared. Unfortunately, this is a common tactic fraudsters use to gain trust and exploit it.

                Here are some steps you should take:

                1. Report the incident to Facebook and Coinbase. While they may not recover your funds, they can take steps to prevent further fraudulent activity.
                2. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). Providing them with all the details and communications can help them investigate the scam.
                3. Ensure the security of your Coinbase account and any other financial accounts. Change passwords and enable two-factor authentication to prevent further unauthorized access.
                4. Do not engage with Lori Gaeth Walocha or anyone associated with ExpertCoinPro.

                Please share your story if anyone else has had a similar experience with ExpertCoinPro or has additional information. Your contributions can help others avoid falling victim to the same scam and may assist in gathering evidence against these fraudsters.

                Stay vigilant and cautious when making online investments. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us.

                Best regards,

            • #1388 Reply
                • Scam Platforms: Facebook, Messenger
                • Fraudulent Website: EXPERTCOINPRO
                • Reported Loss: $7,000
                • Target Location: TN, USA – 38301
                • Scam Type: Cryptocurrency
                • Date Reported: April 1, 2024
                • Scammer Location: Memphis, TN

                Description of the Scam: A scammer, using Facebook to initiate contact, offered guidance on cryptocurrency investment via Messenger. The victim was instructed to connect their bank account to Coinbase, purchase Bitcoin, and then transfer these funds to a platform called EXPERTCOINPRO for investment management. After showing a profit on paper, the scammer ceased all communication when the victim attempted to withdraw funds. Subsequent withdrawal requests to EXPERTCOINPRO were denied, with generic and unhelpful responses from their support.

                If you have been affected by a similar scam involving EXPERTCOINPRO or have encountered scams initiated through Facebook or Messenger, please share your experiences. Providing details about your interactions, including any communication logs, transaction records, or additional contact information you might have, could be vital for helping others avoid similar scams and could assist in any investigative efforts.

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