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    Yes, it is a scam. They start you off  by doing these sets of tasks (45 per set). You’re given initially a wallet of $51 dollars. You begin by starting the tasks, which require to submit for each, which shows a buy of something for whatever dollar amount. Each buy then sells back for the same and earning a low commission of .5% of the amount buying.

    All of this is taken from your wallet then added back with a small commission. So, in the beginning you are using their money to make buys and sells. The cash in your wallet is actually bitcoin dollars.

    They have several draws and rules for the potential worker to keep interested. They start off making you feel like you are an employee and yet not! It becomes very vague.

    You have a salary you get at Day 2 for $100, Day 4 for $400, Day 7 for $1000, Day 15 for $ 2500, Day 30 for $3800.

    Plus you get a daily bonus Day 1 $8, Day 2 $28, Day 3 $48 Day 4 $ 68 Day 5 $88 Day 6 $128 Day 7 $168.

    There are several catches to all of this. To get the salary and the daily bonus, you have to not only sign in every single day, NO MISSED DAYS or you start over at Day 1, but “MOST IMPORTANT PARTyou have to complete a minimum of TWO sets of 45 Tasks BEFORE you can WITHDRAW any Money that day! Which by the way, the money is transferred to an account you set up at a cash app as BitCoin.

    So, the big question is how is this bad? What is the Catch? You use your own money to complete tasks to make the buy (which is random according to their system)when the buy amount is over the dollar amount of your balance in you Wallet with THEM!

    You have a chance to get what they call “Combination buys”. This is where they really nail you. They start off on the beginning days with a small combo. So, if you get two buy/sells that somehow match up “Their system determines this”, for whatever reasons this is called a combination, you then get a bonus of 8 times your commission. HOWEVER, example : 1 Task – Buy shows $49 (remember your wallet is $51), the second part of the combination buy is $95, well your combined buy is $154 so your wallet is now NEGATIVE $103.

    So what happens: Well, your account is frozen, you CANNOT do anymore tasks. Remember in order to collect any commissions for the day or daily bonuses, or day Salary,  you have to complete TWO SETS of 45 Tasks. You’re in the middle of one set when this combination happens. The person who recruited you now says you need to deposit the balance of the NEGATIVE $103 into your wallet. So, where does this $103 come from? Well, it is your REAL money that must be deposited.

    The person assures you it will come back to you plus an 8 Times the commission on top. SO, you are scared, and worried but you give in. You deposit $103 from your checking account. The system lets you continue on with the tasks. You don’t see anymore combinations for the remaining tasks in that set.

    You then ask for a reset to complete your SECOND set of 45 Tasks. You are lucky and get through that without another combination and the need to deposit your money.

    You feel good because you are shown how to withdraw your money for the day with a small commission and you leave $51 in your wallet at the end of the day. So, you got your $103 back, plus $8 for the daily, a small commission off all of the tasks, making several dollars. You’re thinking, I didn’t really make much.

    However, your coach says, but tomorrow is Day 2 and you will get $100 for salary, and a Day 2 bonus of $28 plus any commissions.

    They also remind you of the salaries you are working for : Remember You have a salary you get at Day 2 for $100, Day 4 for $400, Day 7 for $1000, Day 15 for $ 2500, Day 30 for $3800.

    Second day you log in: Start your tasks, nothing too dramatic till you get into your second set and get another combo. Now it isn’t too bad, you know you can deposit the small amount maybe a $100 or so but you get it back. AND you do it!

    Remember this is your first salary day – YOU Have to COMPLETE 2 sets of 45 Tasks of buying to get the salary. SO you put in some money to cover it. You breathe easy when you get the last task done on the last Set.

    You ask for your salary and they deposit $100 into your wallet. You look at your wallet and feel a little relief. You have at least $151 plus two days of bonuses ($8 + $28=$36.00) plus any commissions you earned.

    You leave it in there. I am keeping this simple by not adding the small commission amount for now to show an example of what happens.

    Start Day 3 Wallet Balance is at least $151. You start and you get through Set 1 of 45 Tasks. No combos! Ask for reset for the next set of tasks.  You start set 2 and mid way through you get a combo. 1 buy/sell at $150, and 2 buy/sell (the combination sell) is at $450 and you have a NEGATIVE balance of $449. You are somewhat scared but you got your money back so you don’t hesitate as much and deposit the $449 from your checking account.

    You cleared the negative amount and are lucky and complete the remaining tasks for that day.

    So you are thinking ok, get to Day 4 and get done, and I will get a salary of $400 and a bonus $48.  You withdraw all of the money into your bank account, but instead of leaving $51 you leave $150 wanting a higher commission. Not included in the example is the dollars you made off the buy / sell of your tasks.  It might have add from several dollars to $50+ but not much more.

    However that isn’t the draw right now it is the salary DAYS, plus the daily bonuses. It is getting higher. Remember:You have a salary you get at Day 2 for $100, Day 4 for $400, Day 7 for $1000, Day 15 for $ 2500, Day 30 for $3800 on those days AFTER you complete 2 SETS of TASKS (45).

    You notice one thing wrong! The buys and sells are based on your actual wallet amount. So, in the beginning you are led to believe $51 is what the buy / sells work from. Nope it is the amount built up in your wallet at the time of the buy / sell. Their system doesn’t limit it to a certain amount for you. It instead uses the highest amount. ALSO, it will make buys of THREE TIMES YOUR WALLET.  You have NO CONTROL OVER THIS!!!

    Day 4 – Wallet Balance $150 – First set of 45 Tasks. You get to about 31 of 45 and you get a combination, $150 on one buy / sell, next part of combo is $450, you have to deposit the NEGATIVE $399 on the balance. Your commissions earned take the $450 down to $399 so you don’t have to quite cover as much. You deposit back into the account $399 and hope that NO NEW COMBINATIONS happen! Finish the set and breathe easy! Your balance is now over $600. You CANNOT WITHDRAW!! Why? because you have to finish at least 2 Sets of 45 Tasks for the day.

    Second set starts, you get about to Task 18 for another combination set up, first buy / sell is $525 and your second buy/ sell is $1755, and you have a negative balance of at least $1,500 that you MUST DEPOSIT in order to complete this task and HOPEFULLY, not get another combination for this set.

    Remember: You already deposited THIS DAY, $399 of your money. You are STILL wanting to get your Day 4 salary of $400 and Day 4 bonus of $68, plus the commissions you earned for the day, which now amount to at least another $75.

    Imagine you are trying to complete the days to get to the big salaries of $1000, $25000, and $3800, which start over every 30 days of completing 2 sets of 45 Tasks.

    For some they will find the $1,500 to deposit and imagine it can’t get worse and they imagine they will get to those salary days. I however, did not. I lost my $399 and never put down the $1,500 on deposit.

    Remember, they can throw in as many combinations in a row to build up your loss, and need to deposit that could rack up thousands of dollars and more and you NEVER SEE any real money, because you end up depositing more than you earn.

    IT IS A SCAM!!! Don’t let them coach you into believing it is worth it! You’re passing up a chance of a lifetime, or that only those that take chances really succeed. When it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!!!

    I know others afterward that lost thousands of Dollars believing they would get it and more back! NOPE!!!

    Please don’t trust them!


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