USPS Scams: How to Stay Safe

In recent years, there has been a troubling rise in scams involving the United States Postal Service (USPS), catching many unsuspecting individuals off guard. These scams often leverage the trusted reputation of the USPS to deceive people into divulging sensitive information or parting with their money. The nature of these scams is diverse, ranging from phishing emails and fraudulent text messages to misleading websites all masquerading as official USPS communications. These deceptive messages typically contain urgent or alarming content, such as notifications about undelivered packages, unclaimed prizes, or issues with shipping details. They often include links to websites that closely mimic the appearance of legitimate USPS platforms, luring victims into a false sense of security.

This alarming trend underscores the importance of heightened awareness and vigilance. Scammers have become increasingly sophisticated, employing tactics that can easily mislead even the most cautious individuals. The key to avoiding such scams lies in recognizing the subtle signs of fraud. For instance, unsolicited messages requesting personal information, payment, or immediate action should raise immediate red flags. Additionally, it’s crucial to verify the authenticity of any communication claiming to be from USPS. This can be done by directly contacting the USPS through official channels or by cross-referencing with information available on their official website.

In an age where digital communication is prevalent, staying informed and cautious is paramount. Scammers are constantly evolving their methods, making it all the more important for individuals to stay one step ahead. By understanding the nature of these scams and remaining vigilant, consumers can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to these deceptive tactics. The fight against USPS scams is not just an individual battle; it’s a collective effort that involves staying informed, sharing knowledge, and reporting suspicious activities to the relevant authorities.

USPS Scams

Understanding USPS Scams

USPS scams, a growing concern in the digital age, are fraudulent schemes disguised as communications from the United States Postal Service. These scams exploit the USPS’s reputable name to trick individuals into revealing personal information, financial details, or directly swindling money. Typically, these scams involve phishing emails, deceitful text messages, or fake websites that imitate the look and feel of legitimate USPS platforms. The scammers’ goal is to gain unauthorized access to personal or financial data, or to coax victims into making unwarranted payments under false pretenses.

The operational tactics of these scams are diverse and sophisticated. Often, they begin with an unsolicited email or text message claiming to be from the USPS. These messages might alert the recipient to an issue with a package delivery, offer a prize, or claim that urgent action is required to resolve a problem. The messages frequently include links to counterfeit websites that mimic the USPS’s official site, where victims are asked to enter personal information or make a payment.

Another common tactic is the use of high-pressure techniques, like time-sensitive warnings, to create a sense of urgency and panic, prompting quick and often thoughtless actions from the victims.

USPS Scams: A Real-Life Example

A real-life example of such a scam is an incident reported to us on October 12, 2023, involving an email from “” and a subsequent message from the phone number +14062000309. This scam began with an email falsely representing the USPS, followed by a text message informing the recipient of an issue with a package delivery due to an incorrect shipping address.

According to the complaint, the message was:

“The United States Postal Service has encountered an issue with the delivery of your package due to an incorrect shipping address. As a result, the order is currently on hold and will be returned to the sender shortly. To ensure successful shipment, we kindly request that you promptly update your address at (Please reply to R, then exit the SMS, open the SMS activation link again, or copy the link to the Safari browser and open it).’ The United States Postal Service wishes you a great day.”

Then, they directed me to another website, posing as a post office and requesting a credit card, at

Such incidents highlight the cunning nature of USPS scams and the importance of vigilance in identifying and avoiding these fraudulent activities. Recognizing the signs of these scams is crucial in protecting oneself from potential financial loss and identity theft.

Notable USPS Scams Exposed

Wsuca Com Text Scam

The Wsuca Com text scam, identified on February 26, 2023, is a sophisticated phishing scheme that targets unsuspecting victims through messages masquerading as the United States Postal Service (USPS). This scam operates by sending text messages that falsely claim a recipient’s package has been forwarded to an incorrect address. The texts include a link to, a counterfeit website designed to mimic the official USPS site, with the sole intention of stealing personal and financial information from those deceived into visiting it.

The Wsuca Com scam text typically reads: “USPS: Your package has the wrong forwarding address. Click here to update your shipping information: [Wsuca com].” This message is engineered to create a sense of urgency and compels the recipient to act quickly. Upon clicking the link, victims are taken to the fraudulent Wsuca website, which, despite its sophisticated layout, is a trap. Here, victims are prompted to enter sensitive information such as credit card details and passwords. This information can then be exploited by scammers for unauthorized purchases, identity theft, or other fraudulent activities.

One of the scam’s key tactics is the request for redelivery fees, a common ploy to extract money directly. Another tactic includes urging victims to call a phone number under the guise of resolving the issue, where they might be sold fake services or persuaded to install remote control tools, allowing scammers further access to personal data and files.

On December 3, 2023, a victim reported losing over $500 through this scam, highlighting the severity and impact of such fraudulent activities. It’s crucial to stay informed and exercise vigilance to avoid falling victim to such scams. If substantial financial loss occurs, seeking help to recover funds is a viable option.


The USPS COVID  Test Scam, emerging around February 2, 2022, represents a concerning trend in online fraud, exploiting the public’s need for COVID-19 test kits during the pandemic. This scam surged following the Federal Government’s initiative to distribute free COVID test kits, creating an opportunity for scammers to deceive people seeking these essential health items.

  1. Background of the Scam: The scam began in the wake of the government’s offer to provide free COVID-19 test kits to the public. Scammers seized this opportunity to create fake websites and communication channels that closely resemble official sources, deceiving people into believing they were interacting with legitimate government or USPS platforms.
  2. Operation of the Scam: The scammers create counterfeit websites and send phishing emails or texts, mimicking the USPS or government communications about COVID-19 test kits. These messages often include links to fraudulent websites where victims are tricked into entering personal and financial information under the guise of obtaining a free COVID-19 test kit. These websites are sophisticated, making them appear legitimate and convincing.
  3. Phishing and Data Theft: The primary goal of these scams is to phish for personal information. The scam websites are designed to harvest sensitive data such as names, addresses, bank details, and social security numbers. This information is then potentially sold on the dark web or used for identity theft and financial fraud.
  4. Misleading Sales Tactics: In some cases, these fraudulent sites also attempt to sell COVID-19 test kits at inflated prices, capitalizing on the urgency and necessity of these kits during the pandemic.

The prevalence of the USPS COVID-19 Test Scam illustrates the importance of vigilance and caution in the face of seemingly beneficial offers during times of crisis. Public awareness and education are key in combating such scams and protecting personal information.

USPS Lottery Scam

The USPS Lottery Scam, identified around September 9, 2021, is a prime example of how scammers adapt familiar tactics to new contexts. In this scam, fraudsters misuse the trusted name of the United States Postal Service (USPS) to disseminate phishing links through text messages, preying on the unsuspecting public. Despite efforts to raise awareness, the perpetrators remain at large, highlighting the ongoing challenge of combating such frauds.

Fraudulent activities, particularly those involving government entities like the USPS, pose a significant challenge worldwide. The internet has only amplified these issues, allowing scammers to operate with greater reach and anonymity. The USPS, in response, has been proactive in educating the public about emerging scams through official channels, emphasizing the importance of skepticism and reporting suspicious activities.

This scam typically involves text messages containing phishing links, baiting recipients with promises of lottery winnings or other financial rewards. These messages urge the recipients to click on a link, which redirects them to a dubious website designed to collect personal information. These websites are often well-disguised, with hidden registrant details, making it difficult for victims to identify them as fraudulent.

The primary risks of the USPS Lottery Scam include financial loss and identity theft. Victims who inadvertently provide their details on these fraudulent sites may find their bank accounts compromised or their identity used for illicit activities.

If you receive a USPS Lottery Scam text, it’s best to delete it immediately. Should you have inadvertently provided personal information, contact your bank to secure your accounts and consider seeking professional help. Staying informed and vigilant remains the best defense against these and similar scams.

Online Job Scams

Online Job Scams, particularly those masquerading as opportunities with reputable organizations like the United States Postal Service (USPS), have become increasingly prevalent. A notable example of such a scam is the case, where individuals seeking employment with the USPS were misled and financially exploited. Here’s an overview of the scam:

  • Initial Contact: Victims are typically redirected to while searching for USPS job opportunities. The website appears legitimate, offering assistance in finding and applying for USPS jobs.
  • Personal Information Request: The site requests personal details like name, email, and phone number, which is standard for job applications. However, the red flag arises when it asks for credit card information under the pretext of application processing or other related services.
  • Financial Loss: Upon providing credit card details, victims are charged, and attempts to obtain refunds are often unsuccessful. This leads to financial losses, with no real job opportunity at the end.

Case Analysis

  • Domain Registration and Activity: Registered in May 2023 through GoDaddy and hosted by, gained traffic mainly from the United States, with some visitors from Pakistan and Sweden. Its ranking and traffic data suggest a significant online presence.
  • False Representation: The website presents itself as a gateway to USPS job opportunities, but it’s important to note that the official USPS job listings are found on Any external site, especially one demanding payment for application assistance, should be treated with skepticism.
  • Consumer Complaints and Reports: There have been numerous complaints about, including reports on the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Victims report being misled into paying fees with the false promise of employment and struggling to get refunds. In one case, a victim lost $89 and had to take measures against credit fraud.

Key Red Flags and Protection Measures

  • Suspicious Payment Requests: Legitimate job applications, especially for government jobs like USPS, do not require payment.
  • Misleading Website Features: Despite appearing professional, features like persuasive videos can be deceptive. Always verify job opportunities through official channels.
  • Repeat Offenders: The use of the same phone number in multiple scams (800-210-9756) indicates a pattern of fraudulent activity. Websites associated with known scam numbers should be avoided.
  • Preventive Actions: If personal information has been shared on such sites, it’s crucial to contact banks immediately, monitor credit reports, and set up fraud alerts.

Online job scams like exploit job seekers’ aspirations and vulnerabilities. Awareness and caution are vital when exploring job opportunities online. Always verify the authenticity of job listings through official websites and be wary of any job application process that requires upfront payment.

How to Identify USPS Scams

Identifying USPS scams is crucial in the digital age, where scammers frequently use sophisticated tactics to deceive individuals. Here’s how you can spot these scams:

Warning Signs and Red Flags in Messages and Emails

  • Unsolicited Requests: Be wary of unexpected messages claiming issues with package delivery or offering prizes, especially if you haven’t ordered anything or entered a lottery.
  • Urgency and Threats: Scammers often create a sense of urgency, like claiming a package will be returned if not claimed immediately, or using threatening language.
  • Poor Grammar and Spelling: Official USPS communications are professionally written. Poor grammar and spelling errors are strong indicators of a scam.
  • Unofficial Sender Information: Check the sender’s email address or phone number. Scammers often use email addresses or numbers that don’t match the official USPS contact details.

Analyzing the Structure and Language of Scam Messages

  • Vague References: Scam messages may vaguely refer to “your package” or “your order” without specific details.
  • Generic Greetings: Be suspicious of generic greetings like “Dear Customer” instead of your name.
  • Request for Personal Information: Any message asking for sensitive personal information, like social security numbers or bank details, is a red flag.
  • Promises of Rewards: Offers of unexpected prizes or rewards in exchange for personal details or payment are almost always scams.

Verifying the Legitimacy of Links and Contact Numbers

  • Hover Over Links: Without clicking, hover over any link to see the actual URL. Be cautious if it doesn’t lead to the official website.
  • Check the Website’s Security: Look for “https” in the website URL, indicating security, though this is not foolproof.
  • Verify Contact Numbers: Cross-reference any contact numbers provided with the official USPS contact numbers available on their website.
  • Use Official Channels: If in doubt, directly contact USPS through their official website or customer service line for verification.

In conclusion, staying vigilant and questioning the legitimacy of unexpected or suspicious USPS communications is key. When in doubt, always verify through official USPS channels before taking any action.

Steps to Take if You Encounter USPS Scams

If you encounter a potential USPS scam, taking immediate and appropriate action is crucial to safeguard your personal information and help prevent further fraudulent activities. Here are the steps to follow:

Immediate Actions to Take Upon Receiving a Suspicious Message

  • Do Not Engage: Do not click on any links, download attachments, or respond to the message. Scammers can use any interaction to gather more information or distribute malware.
  • Document the Scam: Take screenshots or save the message for evidence. Note the sender’s contact information, the time you received the message, and any other relevant details.
  • Verify Independently: If the message references an issue with a package or service, contact USPS directly through their official website or customer service number for confirmation.
  • Update Security Measures: If you suspect your personal information may have been compromised, change your passwords and monitor your accounts for unusual activity.

Reporting USPS Scams: Where and How to Report

  • USPS Inspection Service: Report mail-related scams to the United States Postal Inspection Service. They handle fraud cases involving the USPS.
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC): File a complaint with the FTC through their online complaint assistant or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC handles consumer fraud and identity theft complaints.
  • Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): For online scams, report to the IC3, a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center.

Best Practices in Handling Scam Communication

  • Stay Informed: Regularly update yourself on the latest scam trends and tactics used by fraudsters.
  • Educate Others: Share your experiences and knowledge about scams with friends, family, and online forums to raise awareness.
  • Use Caution with Personal Information: Be cautious about sharing personal information, especially in response to unsolicited communications.
  • Utilize Security Software: Employ robust antivirus and anti-malware software on your devices to protect against malicious threats.

Remember, vigilance and prompt action are key in dealing with USPS scams. By reporting these incidents, you not only protect yourself but also contribute to the broader effort in combating postal fraud.

Protecting Yourself from USPS Scams

Protecting yourself from future scams, especially in the digital age, requires a proactive approach to personal cybersecurity and staying informed. Here are essential tips and resources to help safeguard against scams:

Tips on Enhancing Personal Cybersecurity:

  • Use Strong Passwords: Create unique, complex passwords for each of your accounts. Consider using a password manager to securely store and manage them.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Wherever possible, activate 2FA. This adds an extra layer of security, requiring a second form of identification beyond just a password.
  • Update Software Regularly: Keep your operating system, antivirus software, and other applications up to date. Regular updates often include security patches for newly discovered vulnerabilities.
  • Secure Your Wi-Fi Network: Use a strong password for your Wi-Fi network and consider hiding it from being publicly visible.
  • Be Cautious with Personal Information: Share personal details sparingly online and only on secure, reputable websites, particularly when it comes to financial information.
  • Backup Data: Regularly backup important data to an external hard drive or cloud service to prevent loss in case of a cyber attack.

USPS Scams: Conclusion

In conclusion, the escalating prevalence of USPS scams underscores the critical need for constant vigilance in our digital interactions. These scams, exploiting the trust placed in a reputable institution like the United States Postal Service, reveal the cunning strategies scammers employ to defraud unsuspecting individuals. From phishing emails and text messages to elaborate job and lottery scams, the methods are diverse, but the intent remains the same – to deceive and exploit.

The importance of being alert and informed cannot be overstated. As these scams evolve in sophistication, so must our strategies to detect and avoid them. It’s essential to recognize the warning signs, such as unsolicited requests for personal information, demands for immediate action, or any communication that seems out of the ordinary for an entity like the USPS. Remember, legitimate entities will never ask for sensitive information or payments in an unsolicited message.

Sharing knowledge and experiences is a powerful tool in combating these scams. By discussing these topics with friends, family, and colleagues, we can create a well-informed community that is harder to deceive. Awareness is a collective shield against the maneuvers of cybercriminals.

As final thoughts, it’s crucial to embrace a mindset of cautious skepticism in the digital realm. Regularly update yourself on the latest scamming techniques, enhance your personal cybersecurity measures, and always verify the authenticity of any suspicious communication claiming to be from USPS or any other trusted entity. Utilize the wealth of resources available for ongoing education and scam alerts.

Let this be a call to action for all readers: stay cautious, stay informed, and take proactive steps to protect yourself and your community from these deceptive tactics. In the fight against USPS scams, knowledge, vigilance, and shared awareness are our strongest allies.

To report an online scam, please visit our forums.

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