When we dug into the case of the fraudulent website paxfulme.com, it became clear how scammers exploited trust and fear. These scammers contacted their victims through Telegram and WhatsApp, pretending to be fund recovery experts. They asked the victims to use SafePal, a legitimate crypto wallet app, for transactions. They also provided a Bitcoin address (bc1qlcm8mw3ugxh20lxmzmgxnv0nsl55hy2x5ew0hq) for deposits. Victims were told their funds would be “recovered” through encryption. This was a lie.
The scammers demanded $26,200 to start the process. After realizing the scam, one victim sent $23,000 but refused to send the remaining $3,200. The scammers then threatened to freeze the victim’s assets or take legal action. Threats like these are a common tactic to scare people into paying more.
We worked closely with the victim to track transactions and prepare evidence. Our investigators traced funds and drafted documents for local police and the FBI. The county Sheriff’s Office confirmed they couldn’t act and referred the case to federal authorities.
Paxfulme.com isn’t a legitimate recovery service. They use false promises, threats, and real apps like SafePal to trick you into sending money. If you ever get asked to send money to “recover” funds, you are likely dealing with a scam.
CNC Intelligence was proud to support the victim by tracing transactions, communicating with law enforcement, and providing critical evidence. We’ll continue working to help victims and raise awareness about scams like this one. If you ever face a similar situation, don’t hesitate to get help from experts who know how to fight back.