
    If you’ve encountered neptunemarketings.com, you need to be cautious. This platform has been linked to a cryptocurrency scam. The scammers operated through MetaMask, Cash App, and Strike, using Bitcoin and Ethereum to carry out their scheme. Victims reported losses totaling $18,000, although our investigation revealed the actual amount may exceed $23,000. The details are alarming, but they’re also vital for exposing this fraudulent operation.

    The scammers created a professional-looking website to lure victims with promises of financial gains. They pushed for numerous transactions—up to 40 in one case—using well-known crypto wallets and apps. These tools made their scam look legitimate. Victims trusted the platform until they realized their money had vanished. Despite withdrawal attempts, the scammers demanded additional payments or disappeared.

    We worked closely with the victim to trace the transactions and identify the fraudsters. Our team conducted detailed consultations and prepared reports, including instructions for police. CNC Intelligence provided cryptocurrency tracing services, which helped clarify the scope of the scam.

    This scam is sophisticated, but it’s clear that the intentions behind neptunemarketings.com are fraudulent. If you’ve come across this site, stay away. Always verify the legitimacy of a platform before you send money. We believe the evidence we’ve gathered proves this is a scam designed to exploit unsuspecting users. Let us know if you’ve seen anything similar, and we’ll continue fighting these crimes together.

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