
    We want to warn you about a job scam linked to the website diffco.us. In this case, the scammers asked the victim to complete tasks and pay advance withdrawal fees. They used cryptocurrency for payments and provided an Ethereum address and two Bitcoin addresses to receive funds. Transactions showed cash-outs at Square, Coinbase, and HitBTC. The total calculated loss was $18,401.

    If you come across a job offer asking for upfront fees, think twice. Scammers often create convincing opportunities to gain your trust. They might promise earnings or payouts but demand payments first. That’s what happened here. The website diffco.us played a central role in misleading the victim.

    We worked with the victim to trace transactions and identify the platforms involved. We guided them in reporting the case to the police and district attorney. While the district attorney is investigating, the police department declined to act. Unfortunately, the scammers remain active.

    This case shows clear signs of fraud. The request for advance fees and the use of cryptocurrency addresses make it highly suspicious. Always investigate job opportunities and never send money upfront. We encourage you to share this warning to prevent others from falling into the same trap.

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