They have a trading site called EastWest Trading Hal Robb and yes Osamai FX is a scam. Hal Robb does not post the overhang on what trades are unclosed and heavily underwater, for example he posts to new investors that that he made a strong gain for the month 2-5% but he is down minus on the overhang. Even when its up it is short lived. he is not a professional trader as claimed. He is liar who you give your chips to at a casino that has a story of a edge. You see if he loses, its your money not his. If they get up for the month, they want 30% commission only to be dragged down the months later. you lose your money plus the 30% you gave them in commission, YOU NEVER GET THAT BACK.
The web or internet only see a monthly gain. The fact of the mater is he has made 0 percent all year. We was suckered in by a too good to be true average of a 42% average gain per year for the last 5 years. Its all lies and false advertising and I agree Osmai are to blame for not checking him out before advertising his services. We should have known better when people are claiming 40% per year returns.