ScamCrypto Forum Forums Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses Avoid for Online Jobs

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  • #1044 Reply

      Please be on high alert if you’ve encountered, which claims to offer online job opportunities. Reports of fraudulent activities associated with this site have surfaced, leading to financial losses for individuals looking for remote work.

      Key Details from the Complaint:

      • Scam Name: TRYTN Online Job Scam
      • Scam Website URL: (Please exercise caution and do not visit this website unless necessary for investigative purposes)
      • Cryptocurrency involved: Ether/ERC20 Token
      • Transaction Hash: 0x1cdcd6acf8fc78b83980c819bd1d8942ad5bec5352f4a217f5befdf6f051cd2c
      • Receiving Address: 0xCB135DC76C65d41f7750ee47421D7425ac164599

      If you have fallen victim to this scam, please come forward and share your story. Your information could be crucial in preventing further losses by others and may assist in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigations aimed at recovering funds and tracking down the perpetrators.

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