ScamCrypto Forum Forums Crypto Fraud Case Studies Beware of – A Potential Scam

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  • #172 Reply

      Hello everyone,

      I wanted to share an alarming experience and get your thoughts on a website called This platform, which claims to be an investment company, seems to be involved in some shady activities. A subscriber reported being scammed out of $2500, with the promise of receiving $5000, but ended up losing their money.

      Key Points:
      – Domain Details: The site was registered in 2022 but claims to have been operating since 2020. Hosted by Hetzner Online, protected by WhoisSecure.
      – Promises High Returns: Offers unrealistic returns ranging from 20% to 80%.
      – Lack of Transparency: No clear regulatory information or company registration details.
      – Vague Claims: Terms like “world-wide arbitration” and “advanced security system” are used but not explained.
      – Suspicious Testimonials: Generic and overly positive without specific details.

      I’m also curious about the address listed for EliteInvestRis (11 Wall St, New York, NY), which is actually the address of the US Stock Exchange. This raises more doubts about their legitimacy.

      Has anyone else had similar experiences with or know more about it? I think it’s essential to spread awareness and prevent others from falling into such traps.

      Be Careful: If you’re considering investing, please do thorough research and consult a financial advisor.

      Stay safe and remain alert to protect yourself from potential scams.

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    • Author
      • #178 Reply

          Yes, I have fallen victim to a scam by this platform.

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