ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Reports and Alerts Beware of Impersonation Scam: Lost $1K in a Fake Emergency Money Transfer!

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      Hello everyone,

      I want to share a recent scam experience that caught me off guard and unfortunately cost me almost $1K. I received a text message that appeared to be from my daughter, who lives overseas. In the message, she urgently requested me to e-transfer money to two individuals, citing that they were her employees and clients. Given her situation, I didn’t find it unusual and proceeded with the transfer without questioning it.

      It turned out to be a scam. By the time I realized this, I had already sent the money.

      Fortunately, I acted quickly and managed to persuade the bank to retrieve some of the amount I transferred. However, I still incurred a significant loss.

      I’m sharing this to alert others to this kind of impersonation scam. It’s a harsh reminder to double-check and verify any unexpected requests for money transfers, even if they seem to come from trusted sources. Has anyone else experienced something similar?

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