ScamCrypto Forum Forums Legal and Regulatory Discussions Beware of Scam at


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      Date: March 11, 2024

      The British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) has alerted investors about Lyraten, a platform claiming to offer various account types for trading Contracts for Differences (CFDs) in forex, indices, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Please be advised that Lyraten accepts clients from British Columbia (BC) but is NOT registered to trade in or advise on securities or derivatives in BC.

      Key Details for OSINT Investigations:

      • Fraudulent Website:
      • Claims: Offers trading in CFDs across multiple asset classes.
      • Target: Accepts residents of British Columbia (BC) as clients.
      • Legal Status: Unregistered for trading or advising in securities or derivatives in BC.

      The BCSC urges BC residents to exercise caution when dealing with platforms that are not registered to trade or advise in BC. Investors should verify the registration and regulatory status of any trading or investment platform before engaging in transactions.

      If you have been affected by the Lyraten scam or have any information that could assist in investigations, please share your story. Your experience could help prevent others from falling victim to similar scams.

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