ScamCrypto Forum Forums Consumer Complaints / Protection Beware of Scams on Poshmark

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  • #216 Reply

      Hi everyone,

      I wanted to share a cautionary tale about my recent experience selling shoes on Poshmark to help others avoid falling into the same trap.

      A buyer approached me with an interest in purchasing my shoes. Everything seemed normal at first, but then they requested something unusual. They asked me to purchase an Apple card and insisted that I send them images of both the card and the receipt.

      Unfortunately, I complied, thinking it was part of a secure transaction process. However, as soon as I sent the images, the buyer vanished, and I was out $500.

      I’ve reported this incident to both Poshmark and the authorities, but I wanted to post this here to raise awareness. Please be vigilant and skeptical of any unusual requests, especially those involving upfront payments or sharing sensitive information like card details or receipts.


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      • #217 Reply

          Thanks for sharing, Amanda. I’ve heard of similar scams. It’s really unfortunate. Sorry that happened to you.

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