• Creator
  • #1344 Reply

      I would like to submit the Bitcoin Mining platform for discussion. They claim that they are involved in BTC mining and that computers are used for this purpose all over the world. Including my computer which mined over 1 BTC. It’s strange because I have an old computer and it is technically impossible. From now on, every day my mail is SPAMmed with links to a website where I can collect the amount, but to do so I need to pay $64. It doesn’t look professional because the information from different @ addresses is inconsistent and it looks like an extortion of $64. They have been telling me for a year that I am lucky and they do not hear the arguments that I will not be fooled. They threaten that if I don’t pay out within two hours, my funds will disappear and have been like this for a year. Every morning I’m full of emails from various strange @ addresses. Probably mass-generated.

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    • Author
      • #1353 Reply

          Hello Jan,

          Thank you for reaching out with your concerns about this Bitcoin mining platform. Your situation raises several red flags commonly associated with online scams. Legitimate mining operations do not typically contact individuals to collect mined cryptocurrency, especially not by demanding payment or making threats.

          The inconsistency in communication and the use of multiple email addresses suggest a phishing scheme designed to deceive you into making a payment. If you have not intentionally engaged in Bitcoin mining, it is highly unlikely that any cryptocurrency has been mined on your behalf, especially given the technical limitations of older computers in performing such tasks.

          We do not recommend responding to these emails or making any payments. Instead, please forward all relevant information, including the emails and any associated websites, to our secure reporting system so that we can investigate this platform further and provide appropriate warnings to others.

          If you receive these emails daily, consider implementing spam filters or blocking the senders. Protecting your personal information and remaining vigilant against such deceptive practices is important.

          Best regards,
          ScamCrypto Forum Moderator

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