ScamCrypto Forum Forums Cryptocurrency Investment Risks Cautionary Analysis of Forex Legal Trade: A Tale of Deception and a $245.36 Loss

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      Hello Readers,

      Today’s focus is on the website Forex Legal Trade (, following a complaint from an individual who claims to have been scammed for $245.36 by a Bitcoin mining investment company referred by an Instagram friend. This article aims to dissect the authenticity of Forex Legal Trade and offer a comprehensive understanding of its operations. Overview
      – Domain Details: Registered on June 5, 2021, by Franklyn Onoaghakpote from Nigeria.
      – Hosting Info: Hosted by ColoCrossing, with mixed reputation ratings.

      Website Analysis
      – Google Index: Limited visibility with just six pages, including a homepage and account access options.
      – Content Authenticity: Copyright inconsistencies and copied content from other websites, raising questions about originality.
      – Registrant’s History: The registrant has previously been linked to other scam sites, further undermining trust.

      Platform Offerings
      – Services: Claims to offer Bitcoin trading and automatic trading software, but with questionable legitimacy.
      – Contact Options: Limited contact options with non-functional social media links and vague physical address.

      Scam Indicators
      – Victim’s Experience: Describes a classic scam scenario, involving initial investment, additional fees for account verification, and a bait of high returns.
      – Regulatory Warnings: Multiple warnings from financial regulatory bodies like BCSC and CSA about Forex Legal Trade’s unregulated operations.
      – Public Reviews: Predominantly negative reviews and scam reports on various platforms, including and

      Given the evidence and testimonials, Forex Legal Trade displays all the hallmarks of a fraudulent operation. It’s advisable for potential investors to steer clear of this platform and to conduct thorough research before engaging with any investment website.

      Bottom Line
      In the world of online investments, vigilance and due diligence are key. Forex Legal Trade, with its dubious background, lack of transparency, and negative reviews, serves as a cautionary tale for those navigating the digital investment space.

      For those who have encountered similar experiences or scams, sharing your story can be an invaluable tool in raising awareness and preventing others from falling prey to such schemes.

      Stay safe and informed,

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