ScamCrypto Forum Forums Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses Coinbase Appreciation Scam at

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  • #1047 Reply

      Scam Alert for the Cryptocurrency Community

      Please be aware of a fraudulent scheme that is currently being advertised, misleadingly using the name “ Appreciation” with commercials featuring someone posing as Mr. Brian Armstrong.

      Key Details for OSINT Investigations:

      • Scam Website: (Do NOT visit this site unless for investigation purposes)
      • Scam Name: Appreciation giving back for always being there for each other
      • Transaction Hash: 8bf58e5874dfedf37f849b8887dbd7dab2bca61435d2c84bd74a9a2d466cc4df
      • Receiving Address: 0x48A5677200cDb378254975cdeBb81eAa9Af8b525
      • Date of Transaction: March 2, 2024
      • Network Fee: 0.000777 ETH

      If you have fallen victim to this scam by sending funds to the receiving address provided above or have encountered similar schemes, please come forward and share your experience. Your information can be instrumental in preventing further fraud and assisting in the investigation.

    Reply To: Coinbase Appreciation Scam at
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