ScamCrypto Forum Forums Investment Scams Hobi Scam Warning: Investigating and


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      Hello Readers,

      Our investigative review today focuses on uncovering the truth behind Hobi, a cryptocurrency platform mentioned in a recent BBB complaint. We delve into two related sites, and, to understand their legitimacy.

      Understanding the Hobi Scam

      – Initial Complaint: A BBB report from Minnesota, USA, alleging a $100,000 scam involving Hobi.
      – Claims: Issues with fund withdrawal and IRS-related deposit demands.

      Hobi Review: Tracing the Website

      – Previously hosted, now defunct, but associated with Kureex.
      – Kureex: Identified as a clone in a network of scams.

      Exploring Kureex

      – Domain Registration: Registered in March 2022, with low online presence and backlink trust.
      – Physical Location: Address in London, UK, appears to be a shopping mall.
      – Claimed History: Stated as operating since 2010, conflicting with its recent online presence.

      Associated Contacts and Red Flags

      – Email and Phone: Associated with Thanh T Nguyen and Brittany Wheeler, promoting
      – Social Media Presence: Limited following on Instagram and Facebook.
      – User Review on Complaint linking Luno app to the scam, with additional fees demands.
      – Kureex Globals: Claimed company name with minimal credibility.

      Concluding Observations

      – Warning Against Kureex: Part of a scam network, lacking transparency and credibility.
      – Hobi International Suspicions: Associated with dubious practices and unreliable information.

      Advice to Readers

      – Vigilance: Exercise caution with cryptocurrency investments, especially on platforms with unclear backgrounds.
      – Stay Informed: Regularly research and verify information on investment platforms.

      Stay safe and informed in your financial ventures.

      Best Regards,
      Sathish M

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