ScamCrypto Forum Forums Investment Scams Investment Scam Related to OKX Platform

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  • #997 Reply

      There have been reports of a cryptocurrency scam involving a fraudulent investment scheme. Individuals are enticed to triple their savings through trading, leading to substantial financial loss.

      Case Details:

      • Scam Name: Muhammad Hamza (Alias: Haris)

      The victim was convinced to trade and withdraw funds to an unrecognized ID. Any further communication with the scammer poses a risk of additional losses. If you have encountered Muhammad Hamza or similar scams, please share your story and any relevant details.

      For those affected, it’s crucial to immediately cease all communications with the scammer, report to the relevant authorities, and seek legal advice. If you need more information or help, please reach out cautiously, as sharing personal information online can be risky.

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