ScamCrypto Forum Forums Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses Potential Bitcoin Scam Involving


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  • #740 Reply

      There has been a report of a cryptocurrency scam associated with the website, which may be impersonating a legitimate blockchain service to deceive users.

      Case Details:

      – Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin
      – Transaction Hash: 7292a3e2238eba83a2f2c8aeb994a5aede2d9770798d7366b314a276865d0271
      – Scam Name:
      – Scam Website URL: (Caution: Do not visit this URL as it may be part of a fraudulent scheme and could pose security risks.)
      – Receiving Address: bc1qrwhmhlrj63hetznl984d9zgvh5q428j28klrlt

      If you have encountered or have been a victim of a similar Bitcoin scam, please share your story. Public awareness is key in preventing further scams, and your experience could help others avoid falling victim to similar schemes.

      Always verify the authenticity of websites and never enter your personal details or send cryptocurrency to unverified sources. If you have sent funds to a suspected scam address, report the incident to the appropriate cybersecurity and financial authorities in your jurisdiction, as well as the cryptocurrency exchange or wallet service you used.

      Your prompt action and information sharing can aid in alerting others and possibly assist in the recovery of lost funds.

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