ScamCrypto Forum Forums Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses Potential Scam Alert on NHBETH Trading (

  • Creator
  • #1521 Reply
      • Scam Name: NHBETH Trading
      • Scam Website URL:
      • Cryptocurrency Involved: Tron/TRC-10/TRC-20 Token
      • Receiving Address: TJc9r98dSN4vPYXYa1fEwnCU3MTo54Xqso
      • Transaction Hash: 001bd4c54c8d88ae54fb8c43bb954934ef3df8bc32553d540300b997bfe312dd

      A concerning report has surfaced regarding the NHBETH Trading platform, where a victim has expressed significant financial loss and distress. The victim describes the loss as a substantial personal amount, which may seem minor to others but represents their total savings.

      Please share your story if you have experienced any dealings with this website or similar transactions, particularly involving the provided TRC-20 address. Any additional information, including other transaction IDs, associated addresses, or contact details linked to NHBETH Trading, could be invaluable.

      By sharing these details, we can help prevent further losses within the community and potentially aid in recovery efforts. Always verify the legitimacy of any platform before engaging in financial transactions.

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    • Author
      • #2071 Reply

          The website, nhbrsk, is indeed a scam.  I’ve fallen victim to this website and have lost a lot of money trying to do binary options trading.  DO NOT engage with anyone that tried to entice you to trade on this platform, you’ll be sorry!

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