ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Analysis and Research Scam Involving FBX (Finance Bridge Exchange) and Fraudulent Tax Letters

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      Hello everyone,

      I wanted to share a concerning experience related to FBX (Finance Bridge Exchange) and urge caution to anyone who might be involved with them. We recently received an email that points to potentially fraudulent activities by this company.

      FBX, a company claiming over 6500 members worldwide, is allegedly involved in a scam related to cryptocurrency. Users have reported receiving fake tax letters, purportedly from the Singapore Inland Authority, but sent from a suspicious email address ( This raises serious doubts about the legitimacy of FBX’s operations.

      FBX is marketed as a secure cryptocurrency exchange, offering buying, selling, and storage of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. They claim to provide a unique way to engage with cryptocurrency trends. As per their app details, they emphasize security and value, with a strong focus on data privacy and encrypted communication.

      Google Play Store Information:

      • App Developer: Cube Bio Tech Innovation
      • Downloads: 5K+
      • Updated: June 14, 2023
      • Support Email:

      User Reviews:
      Mixed reviews have surfaced on various platforms. Some users praise the app for its security features and benefits, while others flag it as a scam, mentioning issues like frozen accounts, unauthorized trading activities, and the sudden closure of the app, followed by the launch of a similar app named CBX.

      The inconsistency in user experiences, coupled with the suspicious tax letter incident, signals a potential scam. We urge community members to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with FBX or similar platforms. If you have any investments with FBX, please be vigilant and consider securing your assets.

      If anyone else has had experiences with FBX or received similar suspicious communications, please share your stories. Collective information can help us better understand this situation and potentially protect others from falling victim to such scams.

      Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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