ScamCrypto Forum Forums Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses Warning: Scam Alert –


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  • #1209 Reply

      We have been notified of a cryptocurrency scam that has significantly impacted an individual’s finances. The fraudulent scheme is connected to <strong></strong>, the victim has lost their savings and additional borrowed funds.

      Case Details:

      • Scam Name: Miner-us Limited
      • Scam Website:

      Transaction Information for OSINT:

      • Cryptocurrency: Tron/TRC-10/TRC-20 Token
      • Transaction Hash: e9e710b42872519b0d6d5a3da9a515364a4384ecfb82b98070c815328b0d916d

      This individual trusted with their entire life savings plus additional funds they borrowed, totaling an investment they deemed crippling to lose. The scam has not only caused financial damage but also deeply affected their trust in cryptocurrency.

      Have you also been targeted by Miner-us Limited?

      Your experience is important, and sharing it could help warn others. By coming forward, you can contribute valuable information that might prevent future scams and assist in exposing the fraudulent activities of

      Please do not underestimate the power of collective effort. Your voice matters, and together we can oppose such deceptive practices.

      Your cautionary tales are crucial; they can aid others in steering clear of similar scams. Remember, investing in cryptocurrency is risky, and due diligence is essential for every transaction.

      If you need help or wish to discuss your experience, please reach out. Let’s work together to make the crypto space safer for everyone.

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