Home » Topics » Consumer Complaints / Protection » Beware of Bersotlax.com Scam
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  • #1757 Reply

      Warning: If you have been approached with a job offer involving passive income paid in USDT and directed to bersotlax.com, it is a scam.


      • Fraudulent Website: https://bersotlax.com
      • Contact Method: WhatsApp, Text Messages

      Victims are lured with promises of earning USDT by following Instagram accounts and performing merchant tasks. Initial small payments are made to build trust. Larger transactions requiring significant funds are then requested, and victims cannot withdraw their money.

      If you have been scammed by this operation, please share your story here. Your information can help prevent others from falling victim.

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      • #1859 Reply

          We received another Scam Report for bersotlax.com on June 16, 2024.

          A scammer contacted the victim with a job offer, leading them to invest all their savings. They were made to perform tasks, incurring charges for alleged mistakes. Ultimately, they were asked to pay an additional sum to withdraw their investment and profits.

          Receiving Addresses:

          • bc1qaln9eyxpcxq477eqyj66f84gthw2lschtvhpf9
          • 0x00845180f9092922873dc4167bE538BBB3C69d72

          If you have been scammed by this website or have had similar experiences, please share your story to assist in the ongoing investigation.

          Domain Analysis

          The domain bersotlax.com was registered on April 17, 2024, through Alibaba.com Singapore E-Commerce Private Limited and is set to expire on April 17, 2025. The domain’s status is currently marked as “ok,” it uses the name servers ns7.alidns.com and ns8.alidns.com. The registrant’s contact information lists the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the US as the location. The domain is hosted by Cloudflare, Inc., with an IP address of, and the hosting server is located in Toronto, Canada.

          WHOIS data reveals that bersotlax.com is a newly registered domain, with its creation and most recent update occurring on the same day, April 17, 2024. Despite its newness, the site has already garnered a small number of backlinks, all of which are marked as “nofollow.” These backlinks originate from websites like muabannhadat.tv and newlyregddomains.com, indicating that the domain has been promoted on various platforms since its registration.

          SEO analysis shows that bersotlax.com has no significant authority score, organic search traffic, or paid search traffic, suggesting it has not established a solid online presence or ranking. The domain’s lack of branded and non-branded traffic indicates minimal visibility and engagement. Bersotlax.com appears to be a relatively new and obscure site with limited online activity and recognition.

          Content Analysis

          When accessed, the homepage of bersotlax.com leads to a 404 error page, indicating that the site is not functioning correctly. The 404 error page’s source code reveals minimal content, referencing a few external JavaScript and CSS assets. No meaningful content or functionality is present, and there are no active elements or information on the site that a visitor could engage with. This lack of functionality and content, coupled with only a 404 error, suggests that the website may not have been fully developed or is intentionally left incomplete to obscure its true nature.

          Critically, the domain shows no signs of legitimate business activities. Its WHOIS data indicates that it was created and last updated on the same day, which can be typical for legitimate new domains. However, it raises suspicions in this context due to the lack of subsequent updates or content development. Google indexes the site, but only the homepage is available, leading directly to the 404 error, further highlighting the site’s lack of legitimate presence or functionality.

          Bersotlax.com Reviews

          Reviews from ScamAdviser and ScamDoc rate the site’s trust score extremely low. ScamAdviser gives it a score of 41 out of 100 and highlights the hidden owner identity, lack of visitors, and recent registration as major concerns. ScamDoc rates it even lower at 2%, indicating it is only safe for very experienced internet users.

          According to Scamwatcher and other review sites, bersotlax.com operates by contacting victims through text messages and Telegram, promising high returns on cryptocurrency investments. Victims are enticed to perform tasks and invest money, but they never see any returns. The negative reviews emphasize high fees, lack of regulatory oversight, insufficient website information, and poor user experiences as critical issues. Scamadviser recommends extreme caution and suggests reporting any encounters with the site to law enforcement. The collective evidence from various review platforms strongly suggests that bersotlax.com is a scam designed to defraud unsuspecting individuals of their cryptocurrency.

          If this website has scammed you or you have similar experiences, please share your story to assist in the ongoing investigation.

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