ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Analysis and Research Beware of Scam on “” – CryptoCurrency Fraud Alert


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      Individuals are being warned about a sophisticated scam involving a cryptocurrency investment platform called “” Victims are lured by profiles impersonating successful individuals, such as bloggers or businesswomen, promising lucrative profits through investments on the platform. However, when attempting to withdraw funds, users face fabricated obstacles, including unexpected fees and account freezes, under the guise of “verification of funds.” Victims are coerced into depositing additional money with the promise of unlocking their accounts and accessing their funds, which ultimately does not materialize.

      Scam Details:

      • Dollars Lost: $6315
      • Location of Targeted Individual: AZ, USA – 85212
      • Scammer Contact Number: (424) 309-7710 (claimed to be an account manager)
      • Scam Type: Cryptocurrency
      • Business Name (Used by Scammer): Unspecified, related to Cryptocurrency
      • Date Reported: December 16, 2023

      This scam preys on individuals’ trust and the appeal of easy profits in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. The so-called “account managers” are reported as unhelpful and deceitful, further complicating victims’ attempts to reclaim their funds. Customer service on the site allegedly refuses to address these issues, claiming only to handle technical problems.

      Please share your story if you have experienced a similar scam, particularly with “” or another platform. Any additional information, such as other contact details, email addresses used by scammers, transaction IDs, or Bitcoin wallet addresses, can be invaluable for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigations. Sharing your experience can help trace the scam’s operations and possibly assist others in avoiding similar fraudulent schemes.

      Always exercise caution with online investment opportunities, especially those promising guaranteed returns. Thoroughly research any platform or individual before committing your funds, and be wary of any requests for additional payments to access your money.

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