ScamCrypto Forum Forums Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses – Bitrue G Scam Review

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      This is a Scam Alert about bitrue-g.com

      Scam Name: Bitrue

      Receiving Addresses:

      • TFDDCJCTe7FMwxAknkNWJY7hgcENEZjaMt
      • TZ1uncUdVr9p4W5omev61At8cKXrCbpZh3
      • TUdN8o14EWsesA8L9eeJsNEQVKf5ZwSmRF

      Users have reported being scammed by the fraudulent website, which impersonates a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange. Be cautious and do not send funds to the addresses associated with this scam.

      If you have been scammed by this entity, please share your experience and any additional details that may help others avoid this fraud.

      Domain Analysis

      The fraudulent domain was registered on March 24, 2024, through Pte. Ltd. and is set to expire on March 24, 2025. The domain’s registration status is clientTransferProhibited, with name servers hosted by Cloudflare: and The registrant’s details are anonymized, listing Beijing, China, as the registrant’s state, with a privacy-protected email contact. Cloudflare, Inc., located in Toronto, Canada, hosts the website. The IP address associated with the domain is, under the AS number 13335 (CLOUDFLARENET).

      According to SEMrush, holds an authority score and domain rank of 0, indicating it is likely a new or low-traffic site with minimal visibility. The domain has no recorded organic search traffic, keywords, or paid search traffic. It has three backlinks from referring domains, all classified as nofollow, from sites like,, and The website’s backlinks are exclusively image-based, with no recorded follow link.

      Despite the minimal web presence and poor SEO metrics, is a fraudulent entity masquerading as a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange. Its operational base uses a high-quality anonymity setup, and using Cloudflare for hosting helps shield its real location and identity. Review

      The site’s metadata indicates it presents itself as BITRUE Investment Advisors, with a simplistic login interface requiring an ID and password. The webpage’s source code mentions service workers for PWA functionality and references to various assets and scripts designed to enhance the user experience. The site appears professional at first glance but lacks the critical features and detailed content one would expect from a legitimate investment advisory platform.

      Red Flags Indicative of a Scam

      1. Privacy Protection and Anonymity: The registrant details, including name, address, and contact information, are entirely redacted for privacy. Legitimate companies typically provide transparent contact information, including verifiable addresses and direct emails.
      2. Minimal Web Presence and SEO Metrics: SEMrush data indicates that the domain has zero authority score, zero organic search traffic, and no recorded keywords. This suggests the site is new or not actively maintained to rank on search engines, which is unusual for genuine financial advisory services.
      3. Lack of Detailed Information and Contact Channels: There is no detailed contact information, customer service numbers, or emails provided directly on the site, which raises questions about the accessibility and legitimacy of the company’s support.
      4. Redirection to Login Page Without Content: The homepage redirects users immediately to a login page without providing substantial information about the services offered, team members, regulatory compliance, or client testimonials.

      Given these red flags, demonstrates several characteristics commonly associated with fraudulent websites. Users should exercise extreme caution and avoid providing personal information or funds to this site.

      If you have been affected by this scam, sharing your experiences can help raise awareness and potentially prevent others from falling victim.

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