ScamCrypto Forum Forums Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses Task Scam Exposed

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  • #1997 Reply

      Beware of the fraudulent job scam associated with the website


      • Scam Website:
      • Receiving Address: 0x222D0ED7693D316B2335eFE464bDD09fD92B04b2
      • Amount Lost: 0.562688359746667 ETH

      If you have been scammed by this website or have similar experiences, please share your stories to help others avoid falling victim to this fraud.

      Stay vigilant and safe!

      Domain Analysis

      A user reported being scammed by the platform hosted at The scam began with the user completing simple tasks and successfully withdrawing funds to their bank account. However, on the third day, they were required to complete a high-value task worth $6,120. The scam platform threatened to lower the user’s credit score if they did not finish the task.

      Despite losing $5,020 in Ethereum (ETH), the user was pressured to invest an additional $6,120 to retrieve their funds. The user experienced significant difficulty purchasing the required cryptocurrency and now feels trapped, as their remaining funds are insufficient to complete the task.

      The funds were transferred to the receiving address 0x222D0ED7693D316B2335eFE464bDD09fD92B04b2, with a transaction history indicating extensive activity.

      The scam has left the user financially devastated and unable to continue due to limited resources. This report highlights the manipulative tactics employed by the scammers, preying on the user’s vulnerability and exploiting their funds under pretenses. Review

      The website presents itself as a platform offering task-based income opportunities. Users are invited to complete tasks to earn money, which can initially be withdrawn to their bank accounts. However, as tasks progress, they become increasingly complicated and expensive, culminating in a high-value task requirement.

      In this reported case, the user was pressured to invest $6,120 in cryptocurrency to complete the final task after losing $5,020. Failure to complete this task supposedly results in a lowered credit score. This manipulation leverages psychological pressure to extort more funds from victims. The website claims funds are accessible but contingent on completing the final task, a classic tactic in fraudulent schemes.

      The site design includes technical and user interface features, such as a mobile-responsive layout and elements suggesting logging-in and task management functionality. However, the content lacks substantive information on the company, its origins, and its legitimacy.

      Red Flags

      Several red flags point to the likelihood of this site being a scam.

      Firstly, escalating task difficulty and investment requirements without clear justification is a common scam tactic. If tasks are not completed, threats to lower credit scores add psychological pressure to comply. The user’s reported significant loss ($5,020) and the demand for an additional $6,120 investment to retrieve funds are highly suspicious.

      Additionally, the receiving Ethereum address 0x222D0ED7693D316B2335eFE464bDD09fD92B04b2 has a history of numerous transactions, indicating potential involvement in multiple fraudulent activities. The site’s recent registration and the lack of verifiable company information or transparent contact details further undermine its credibility.

      Anyone encountering this site should avoid financial transactions and report the scam to the relevant authorities. Sharing experiences can help prevent others from falling victim to similar schemes.

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