ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Analysis and Research Dartya Scam Warning ( &

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      A fraudulent website, Dartya, is scamming people by claiming to convert investments into cryptocurrency. Victims are asked to complete tasks and continuously send money but are never able to withdraw their funds.

      Scam Details:

      • Type of Scam: Investment/Cryptocurrency
      • Amount Lost: $20,000
      • Description: Users are lured into investing money and converting it into cryptocurrency. Despite completing tasks, victims are repeatedly asked to send more money and can never withdraw their funds.

      Fraudulent Website URL:


      If you have been scammed by the same scammer, please share your story to help warn others.

      Domain Analysis, a recently registered domain on December 18, 2023, is a platform involved in fraudulent investment schemes. Registered through Pte. Ltd. and hosted on Cloudflare servers, the website has been deceiving users by promising returns on cryptocurrency investments.

      The domain is set to expire on December 18, 2024, and is protected by clientTransferProhibited status, which prevents the transfer of domain ownership without permission. The registrant’s information is concealed, but the contact is in Prizren, Albania.

      Notably, shares several similarities with, including the same registrar and name servers, suggesting a possible connection. was registered on February 26, 2024, and exhibits similar fraudulent activities, reinforcing the likelihood of a link between the two domains. Both websites have minimal online presence and backlinks, with most links being nofollow, indicating a lack of credibility and trustworthiness.

      Users are strongly advised to avoid any financial transactions with these websites. If you have been scammed by or, please share your story to help warn others. Review

      The website presents itself as a professional platform, but a closer inspection reveals significant discrepancies and potential red flags that indicate it may be a scam. The domain was registered recently, on February 26, 2024, through Pte. Ltd. It is hosted on Cloudflare servers with name servers and Despite its modern web design and structure, the content and operational details raise serious concerns.

      Upon visiting the site, users are prompted to log in or create an account, but beyond this, the site offers minimal substantive information. The “About” section claims an affiliation with Groupe Fnac Darty, a reputable multinational retail company. However, this affiliation appears fraudulent as the information is vague and lacks verification. The website mentions that Groupe Fnac Darty, formerly Kesa Electricals plc and Darty plc, has a history dating back to 1957 and describes its operations, including the launch of DartyBox in 2006 and various acquisitions. Nevertheless, there is no direct link or verification of this information on the actual Groupe Fnac Darty site or through any credible sources.

      A critical examination of highlights several serious red flags indicative of a scam. Firstly, the website’s new registration date and lack of an established online presence suggest it has not been operational enough to build credibility. The obscure contact information and privacy-protected registrant details are typical characteristics of fraudulent sites seeking to avoid accountability. Moreover, the purported association with Groupe Fnac Darty is dubious, as there is no verifiable evidence supporting this claim, suggesting an attempt to leverage the name of a legitimate company to gain unearned trust. Additionally, the website’s operation out of Albania, a country not typically associated with Groupe Fnac Darty’s activities, adds to the suspicion.

      Dartya Reviews and its related domain have been flagged as scams by multiple sources. Scam Detector and ScamMinder have given these sites extremely low trust scores, pointing out their new domain registration as a significant red flag.

      User reviews on platforms like Reddit reveal personal accounts of being scammed through job offers that required upfront investments, often in cryptocurrency, promising high commissions that never materialized. Victims report losing substantial amounts of money, being unable to withdraw any funds, and ultimately being blocked by the site.

      Additionally, both websites claim false affiliations with reputable companies like Groupe Fnac Darty to appear legitimate.

      The sites use vague contact information, privacy-protected registrant details, and lack verifiable business credentials.

      Complaints We Received

      In December 2023, a user reported depositing money into an account for a job that required completing tasks to get paid. However, after depositing the money, they could not get a refund. In February 2024, another user seeking work-from-home positions was contacted by Initially, they received $100 for their tasks, but the costs quickly escalated. They had to pay increasingly high amounts to reclaim their invested money, with the company holding $50,000 hostage behind a $26,000 paywall. Additionally, a user signed up to review products for the company and had money withdrawn from their account to buy cryptocurrency, ultimately losing $2,500. In March 2024, a user reported adding Bitcoin to clear orders as part of the job, with the promise of getting back the investment plus a commission. However, the more they added, the more the company demanded, never returning the promised funds.

      In March 2024, a user reported losing $2,000 in a scam where they were required to make reviews and complete tasks to earn commissions. Their account balance was over $3,500, but they were asked to deposit more money to continue. Another user, also in March 2024, shared a heart-wrenching story of falling into debt after trying to earn money through Desperate due to financial difficulties following their wife’s passing, they took personal loans and ended up losing everything to the scam. This user felt deeply embarrassed and financially devastated.

      A case involving included details of a scammer named Shirley, who contacted the victim via WhatsApp (+1 346-494-2469) and manipulated them into depositing funds. The user was left completely broke, holding their balance hostage and demanding further deposits to access their funds.

      Bottom Line

      A thorough examination of and reveals multiple red flags indicative of scams. These include recent domain registrations, low trust scores, lack of transparent contact information, and false claims of affiliation with reputable companies. Victim testimonials further corroborate the fraudulent nature of these sites, citing significant financial losses and deceptive practices. Despite their attempts to appear legitimate, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests these platforms are designed to exploit unsuspecting users.

      Individuals should exercise extreme caution and avoid interacting with these websites to protect themselves from falling victim to their schemes.

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