Home » Topics » Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses » dl.glcintl.com – Fake Trading Platform
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      The trading platform dl.glcintl.com has been exposed as a scam, with victims reporting substantial losses. Users were lured into believing they could make significant returns through cryptocurrency trading, but after transferring their funds, they realized the platform was fraudulent and never received any profits or their money back.

      Platform: dl.glcintl.com
      Amounts Lost:

      • 400 USDT
      • 650 USDT
      • 1,081.1 USDT

      (Total loss: 2,131.1 USDT)

      dl.glcintl.com - Review

      Scam Breakdown:

      1. Fake Trading Platform – dl.glcintl.com:
        The platform pretended to be a legitimate trading website, offering users the chance to invest in cryptocurrency with the promise of lucrative returns. The site appeared professional and convinced users that they were engaging in real trades.
      2. Crypto Transfers:
        Victims transferred the following amounts:
        – 400 USDT
        – 650 USDT
        – 1,081.1 USDT
        The total amount lost was 2,131.1 USDT.
      3. Loss of Funds:
        After sending the money, victims found that the platform was fake, with no customer support or way to recover their funds. The scammers behind dl.glcintl.com vanished after the funds were transferred, leaving victims without any returns or recourse.


      The platform dl.glcintl.com is a fraudulent trading site designed to steal cryptocurrency from unsuspecting investors. Victims have lost a total of 2,131.1 USDT. Be extremely cautious when dealing with online trading platforms, especially those offering guaranteed returns or requiring large deposits in cryptocurrency. Always verify the legitimacy of the platform before investing and report any fraudulent activity to the authorities.

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