• Creator
  • #4447 Reply
    Kiran Kumar R

      Type of Scam: Crypto Investment Scam
      URL of Scam: cryptocontract.info
      Cryptocurrency Address: TR8tACbHMcRAM8AcMuZZPbvaxYFiBRnTBq
      Amount Lost: $13,903

      Description: The victim invested $20,000 through a page that appeared to be associated with Crypto.com’s DeFi wallet on cryptocontract.info, expecting significant returns. They reported a total loss of $13,903 and potential profits of $240,000 were also compromised. The victim is now seeking assistance to recover the lost funds.

      Open-Source Intelligence Analysis: Investigative Report on Crypto Investment Scam at cryptocontract.info

      Current Website:
      cryptocontract.info has been identified as engaging in fraudulent crypto investment schemes. The platform falsely presents itself as associated with legitimate crypto wallets and exchanges to lure investors into making large deposits under the pretense of high returns.

    Reply To: Exposing the Fraudulent DeFi Investment Scheme at CryptoContract.info
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