ScamCrypto Forum Forums Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses Review: Is It a Scam?

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      A fraudulent website,, is currently scamming users by posing as a cryptocurrency exchange. Victims are lured into sending funds and later asked to pay an additional 19% fee to unlock their funds.


      • Scam Website URL:
      • Receiving Address: 5xuajH91vstgHjk6kyT9CbXFqKewSQwereyQyhkwSG11
      • Transaction Hash: KxKwC2FkskJLTuwp6whokPXFJeAQkY6aDBfV7qoRiAxDdRTEhA9cLMUisNravSmJbbY9hwWdcHZpLNL4B38J378

      Please share your story if this website has scammed you.

      Domain Analysis is a recently registered domain with NameCheap, Inc., having been created on May 27, 2023, and set to expire on May 27, 2025. The domain’s status is marked as clientTransferProhibited, which restricts its transfer between registrars. The site is hosted by Cloudflare, Inc., with its servers in Toronto, Canada. The domain is associated with the name servers and, and all registrant contact information is withheld for privacy, a common practice among fraudulent sites to avoid detection and accountability.

      The scam operates by luring users into sending funds with the promise of cryptocurrency exchange services. Victims are subsequently asked to pay an additional 19% fee under the pretense of unlocking their funds, a tactic typical of phishing scams. The site’s domain authority and search traffic are minimal, with no significant organic search traffic or keyword rankings, indicating it is not widely recognized or trusted. Its backlinks are primarily nofollow links from low-authority web directories and scam-reporting sites, further undermining its credibility. Review presents itself as a Polish cryptocurrency exchange platform that offers quick, easy, and secure transactions for various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether. The website claims to have been operational since 2019, providing high-quality exchange services and attractive exchange rates. It emphasizes security through SSL encryption, comparable to banking standards, and offers customer support via Telegram at @Alex_Netex_Support. The website includes sections for general information, terms of service, frequently asked questions, and contact details, all written in Polish. It mentions its parent company “Polkoin,” located at ul. Zagłoby 5, 20-717 Lublin, with NIP: 7123255793.

      Red Flags

      Several aspects of raise serious red flags indicative of a scam.

      Firstly, the domain’s recent registration date contradicts the website’s claim of operating since 2019, suggesting potential deceit about its longevity and experience. The use of privacy protection to hide registrant details is common among fraudulent sites to avoid accountability.

      The contact information directs users to Telegram, a platform often used by scammers for anonymity and difficulty tracking communications.

      Furthermore, the promise of extremely attractive exchange rates and the additional fee requirement to unlock funds are typical scam tactics aimed at luring and extorting more money from unsuspecting victims.

      The lack of positive reviews, minimal organic search traffic, and backlinks primarily from low-authority sources further undermine the site’s credibility.

      These factors, combined with the requirement for an additional 19% fee to unlock funds, strongly indicate that is likely a fraudulent operation designed to scam users.

      Netex24 Reviews is linked to several other domains (,, etc.), blocklisted on scam reporting sites like, further signaling potential fraudulent activity. Contact with the site is primarily through Telegram, a method often used by scammers to maintain anonymity.

      Reviews on platforms like Trustpilot and ScamAdviser indicate negative experiences, with users warning others to avoid the site due to scamming issues.

      One Trustpilot review rated the site 1 out of 5 stars, explicitly stating that the user was scammed. The site’s low domain authority and lack of organic search traffic reflect its limited reach and untrustworthiness.

      Bottom Line

      Given the available evidence, it is highly likely that is a scam.

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