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  • #1462 Reply

      We’ve received reports of users experiencing fraudulent activities through the Bitget App and a website linked to https://coinmamax.com/int. Users have reported significant losses, with one such incident involving a loss of approximately 140,000 INR and around 1400 USDT. The transactions were conducted using Bitcoin and TRC 20 (Tron) on the blockchain.

      Key Details:

      Victims have reported that after transferring funds, the website or app ceases communication and fails to release the funds. It’s crucial for anyone who has transacted through these platforms or interacted with the mentioned website to check their transaction histories and be wary of any further interactions.

      If you have been affected by this or a similar scam, please share your story on this forum. Your experiences can be invaluable in helping others recognize and avoid similar scams. Additionally, any further information on contact details or additional addresses used by the scammers could aid in broader OSINT investigations.

      Verify the legitimacy of platforms and websites before making any financial transactions to stay vigilant and protect your assets.

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    • Author
      • #1613 Reply

          I have usdt so for withdraw  their r asking  30% tax amt to pay.

          • #1618 Reply

              Hi Rahul,

              It’s highly suspicious that you’ve been asked to pay a 30% tax to withdraw your USDT. This is a common tactic in many cryptocurrency scams, where fraudsters request additional payments under the guise of taxes or fees.

              Here’s what you should do:

              1. Do Not Pay Any Additional Money: Paying the requested amount will likely result in further losses. Legitimate platforms do not ask for extra payments to release funds.

              2. Report the Incident: Report this scam to your local cybercrime authority and any relevant financial regulatory bodies. This can help take down fraudulent sites and prevent others from falling victim.

              3. Secure Your Other Assets: Secure your other cryptocurrency holdings and financial accounts. Change your passwords, enable two-factor authentication (2FA), and review your account activities for unauthorized actions.

              4. Share More Details: If you have additional details about the transactions or any communication with the scammers, please share them here. This information can help in ongoing investigations and assist other community members in avoiding similar scams.

              Remember, reputable cryptocurrency platforms automatically deduct necessary fees and do not request additional payments to release funds. Stay vigilant and protect your assets.

              If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out.

              Stay safe!

              Best regards,
              ScamCrypto Team

          • #1557 Reply

              The Coinmamax Is Asking Money to withral my fund from wallet should i pay it or its scam

              • #1560 Reply

                  Hi Simon,

                  It’s very concerning that you’ve been asked to pay money to withdraw funds from your wallet. This request is a common tactic used in many online scams, particularly in the cryptocurrency space. Reputable platforms and wallets typically do not require users to pay additional fees to withdraw funds; necessary fees are deducted automatically from the withdrawal amount.

                  Here are a few steps you can take:

                  1. Do not pay any additional money: Paying more will likely result in further losses.
                  2. Check the platform’s legitimacy: Verify the credentials of the Coinmamax website and the Bitget app. Look for reviews, user testimonials, and any red flags online.
                  3. Report the incident: You’ve already taken a great step by posting here. Additionally, report this to your local cybercrime authority and any relevant financial regulatory bodies.
                  4. Secure your other assets: Ensure the security of your other cryptocurrency holdings and financial accounts. Change passwords and enable two-factor authentication where possible.

                  The cryptocurrency address and platform you mentioned have been flagged for fraudulent activities, so proceeding cautiously is imperative. Suppose you have more details about the transactions or any communications from the scammers. In that case, sharing them can help in further investigations and possibly assist others in the community to avoid similar scams.

                  Stay vigilant and safe!

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