ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Analysis and Research Scam Alert for – Seeking Your Stories

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      This post is a critical warning about a sophisticated cryptocurrency scam involving A victim has suffered a substantial loss of $306,000 through a scheme executed with the pretense of investment opportunities in cryptocurrency, specifically Ethereum futures and various promotional bonuses requiring substantial deposits.

      Scam Summary:

      • Initial Contact: The scam began with a friendship on Facebook with an individual named Xin Su, claiming to reside in Long Beach and working as an interior designer for H Space Interiors.
      • Platform Shift: Communication shifted to WhatsApp for daily chats, calls, and video conversations.
      • Investment Scheme: The victim was persuaded to open accounts with (legitimate) and (fraudulent), and to invest initially $5,000, which falsely appeared to grow under the scammer’s guidance.
      • Increasing Investments: Under the guise of achieving bonuses for deposit levels, the victim was manipulated into making larger deposits totaling $306,000, including taking loans against personal assets.
      • Withdrawal Issues: The victim’s attempt to withdraw funds was met with demands for a “capital verification deposit” of over $200,000, a common tactic in scams to solicit even more money from the victim.
      • Threats: Upon confrontation, Xin Su threatened legal action to recover the “gifted” funds used to meet deposit levels for bonuses.
      • Location of Victim: NJ, USA – 07442
      • Scammer Claimed Location: Yorba Linda, CA – 92887
      • Contact Information:
      • Phone: (725) 279-5113
      • Email: (Note: Likely fictitious)
      • Website:
      • Type of Scam: Cryptocurrency
      • Business Name: (Claimed) H Space Interiors
      • Date Reported: December 26, 2023

      If you have encountered Xin Su or been involved in a scam related to, your story is important. Sharing detailed experiences, including any communication logs, transaction IDs, wallet addresses, and any other contact information you might have, can aid in OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) investigations and help prevent others from falling victim to similar schemes.

      This scam highlights the importance of skepticism towards unsolicited investment advice, especially from new online acquaintances. Your contributions can help build a case against the perpetrators and potentially aid victims in the recovery process. Please, if you’ve been affected by this scam or a similar one, come forward and share your experience to help others avoid the same fate.

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