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  • #5965 Reply
    Manju Ram

      Type of Scam: Cryptocurrency Exchange Risk

      Receiving Address:

      TRON:TXyVSN7N4TmWGqJ75GpbpMVg9binvcMRmC 📋

      Details: TRC20.com might be involved in risky transactions or misleading claims related to TRON (TRX) cryptocurrency transactions. If you are directed to send TRON to this address, verify the legitimacy of the request thoroughly. Be cautious of any unsolicited instructions or unusual activities, particularly from websites that may impersonate legitimate cryptocurrency services or misuse official terminology for deceptive purposes.

      Always confirm transaction details through secure and official channels before proceeding with any cryptocurrency transfers. If you have any doubts, consult with a financial advisor or seek assistance from established financial institutions knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies.

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