ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Reports and Alerts Unions Market Group – Unraveling the Alleged Scam

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      Hi everyone in the forum!

      Today we’re diving into the complex and alarming case of Unions Market Group, whose operations and actions have raised significant concerns among investors and regulatory authorities. Let’s break down the key aspects of this situation.

      1. Unions Market Group Overview
      – Background: Previously accessible at, this platform claimed to provide trading and investment services.
      – Current Status: The website is no longer online, leaving many questions and concerns in its wake.

      2. Investigative Findings
      – Limited Online Footprint: The website, though indexed in Google, offers scant details, mainly comprising a PDF file.
      – Domain and Hosting Insights: Registered in China and hosted in Australia, the domain’s origin adds layers of mystery and complexity.
      – Warning Flags: Flagged by foreign authorities, including FSMA, for suspicious activities.

      3. Client Experiences and Reviews
      – TrustPilot Warnings: Users caution against investing in Unions Market, citing personal financial losses and suspect practices.
      –’s Assessment: The platform is marked as high-risk due to lack of proper licensing and dubious withdrawal policies.
      – WikiFX and Reports: Narratives of substantial financial losses and non-return of investments dominate user reviews.

      4. Specific User Complaints
      – Individuals report troubling experiences with brokers associated with Unions Market, including unreturned investments and profits.
      – Complaints of scams involving significant sums, with some users exploring legal action against the company.

      5. Accusations Against Personnel
      – Brokers Under Scrutiny: Samuel Mathias, Giulia De Nardi, Marco Greco, and Lorenzo Leoni are among those accused of fraudulent activities.
      – Common Patterns: Clients speak of large deposit demands, difficulty in withdrawing funds, and disappearing accounts.

      6. Conclusion and Caution
      – Warning to Prospective Investors: The gathered evidence points to Unions Market Group being a potential scam.
      – Need for Vigilance: Users are advised to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with similar platforms.
      – Seeking Redress: Those affected are encouraged to report their experiences to relevant authorities and seek legal advice.

      Remember, staying informed and cautious is key in the world of online investing.

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