ScamCrypto Forum Forums Crypto Fraud Case Studies Warning: Beware of Elon Musk Impersonation Scams

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  • #1004 Reply

      Scam Alert:,,,, and More

      As reported in Gizmodo, the digital landscape is currently plagued by a wave of scams impersonating Elon Musk and exploiting the brands of his companies, such as Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and X. These scams have ensnared numerous victims, with losses ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars, under the guise of exclusive offers, investment schemes, or cryptocurrency giveaways that, in reality, do not exist.

      Key Details from Reported Cases:

      • Fraudulent Websites and Contacts:
      • Advertised a bogus Tesla Cybertruck event and tricked individuals into transferring cryptocurrency.
      • Falsely presented as an Elon Musk-affiliated investment platform, deceiving users into making several deposits with promises of significant returns.
      • and These websites lured users with promises of free cryptocurrency or significant returns on investment upon account creation and a minimal deposit.
      • Other domains:,,

      Typical Scam Techniques:

      • Promoting phony promotions or giveaways associated with Elon Musk or his ventures.
      • Soliciting cryptocurrency payments to particular addresses.
      • Requesting additional funds to “unlock” supposed returns or to complete verification steps.

      Experiences of Victims:

      • The reported financial losses range widely, with victims drawn in by deepfake advertisements, sham websites, and offers that are too good to resist.
      • Scammers have reached out directly to potential victims using messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram, and have even used fake IDs or documents to appear legitimate.

      How You Can Assist and Protect Yourself

      • Contribute Your Experience: If you’ve fallen prey to a similar scam, your story can be a caution for others and may assist in ongoing investigations.
      • Exercise Caution: Always validate the authenticity of any investment opportunity or promotional offer, especially those requiring financial contributions or personal info sharing.

      This alert aims to increase awareness about the specific tactics employed by fraudsters mimicking Elon Musk and urging community alertness. Always remember: if an offer seems too advantageous to be true, it likely is.

      Warning: Beware of Elon Musk Impersonation Scams

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      • #1116 Reply

          A concerning report has emerged from a victim who was contacted by someone impersonating Elon Musk on Quora, encouraging them to invest in cryptocurrency through a platform called Bondslick. The victim was persuaded to deposit $10,000 with promises of significant returns. Initially, their account reflected a balance of 0.34 Bitcoin, but soon after, they discovered their account was suspended, and attempts to contact the impersonator or the platform have been unsuccessful.

          Important Details:

          • Fraudulent Website:
          • Scam Type: Cryptocurrency
          • Amount Lost: $10,000
          • Location of the Targeted Individual: CA, USA- 92503
          • Reported Scammer Location: CA (California)
          • Date Reported: February 20, 2024

          If you or someone you know has been approached by someone claiming to be Elon Musk or any other high-profile individual with an offer too good to be true, or if you have experiences with the website mentioned, please share your story. Your information could be invaluable in preventing others from falling victim to similar scams and could assist in any open-source intelligence (OSINT) investigations aimed at exposing these fraudulent activities.

          Let’s work together to create awareness and safeguard our community against such deceptive schemes. Your experience and any additional details you can provide (while ensuring your own privacy and security) could help track down the perpetrators and potentially recover lost assets.

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