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      Hello Elizabeth,

      Thank you for sharing this important information about Hal Parker Robb and his activities related to Osmai FX. Your insights about the potential risks and Osmai’s lack of due diligence in vetting their associations are crucial for raising awareness. The issue of churning customers is a significant concern. We appreciate your contribution and encourage more members to come forward with any further information or experiences related to this topic to help protect others from potential scams.

      Thank you for helping to keep the community informed and vigilant.

      Best regards,


        Hello Redd,

        Thank you for sharing your troubling experience with, and I’m sorry to hear about the challenges you and your friend have faced. Your detailed account of the interaction with the customer service is a valuable insight into the deceptive practices employed by the site.

        Evidently, this platform’s operations are highly questionable, and your decision to demand your funds back was justified. Unfortunately, as is often the case with these scams, the customer service’s unresponsiveness once real issues are raised is a classic red flag.

        We appreciate your courage in speaking out, as it helps to alert and protect the community from falling into similar traps. Please keep us updated on any developments regarding your case, and if there’s any way our community can assist further, don’t hesitate to reach out.

        For everyone else, this situation is a stark reminder to be extremely cautious with investment opportunities that require paying money to earn money, especially when they promise high returns with little explanation or transparency. Always conduct thorough research and consider seeking professional advice before engaging in any transactions.

        Stay vigilant and safe.

        Best regards,
        Adam Team

        in reply to: Scam Alert: Fraudulent Activity #1501

          Hello Nonie,

          You can schedule a free initial consultation with CNC Intelligence to discuss your case in more detail.

          Best regards,


          in reply to: Beware of Crypto Scam! #1470

            Hello ScamCrypto Community,

            Thank you all for sharing your experiences and alerting others about the issues with Your reports clearly show that this platform has engaged in suspicious and potentially fraudulent practices, notably requiring additional payments to process withdrawals, which is a significant red flag.

            For anyone who has lost over $5,000 in cryptocurrency due to this scam, we strongly recommend contacting CNC Intelligence for a free consultation. CNC Intelligence specializes in cyber investigations and cryptocurrency tracing and may be able to assist you in understanding your options for asset recovery.

            Please include details of your transaction and any communications with when you reach out. Remember, the more information you provide, the better CNC Intelligence can assess your situation.

            Stay vigilant and continue to report any suspicious activities. Your actions help protect the community and raise awareness about these scams.

            Best regards,
            Admin, Forum


            Hola comunidad de ScamCrypto,

            Gracias a todos por compartir sus experiencias y alertar a otros sobre los problemas con Sus informes muestran claramente que esta plataforma ha participado en prácticas sospechosas y potencialmente fraudulentas, en particular requiriendo pagos adicionales para procesar retiros, lo cual es una señal de alerta importante.

            Para cualquiera que haya perdido más de $5,000 en criptomonedas debido a esta estafa, recomendamos encarecidamente comunicarse con CNC Intelligence para una consulta gratuita. CNC Intelligence se especializa en investigaciones cibernéticas y rastreo de criptomonedas y puede ayudarlo a comprender sus opciones para la recuperación de activos.

            Incluya los detalles de su transacción y cualquier comunicación con cuando se comunique. Recuerde, cuanta más información proporcione, mejor podrá CNC Intelligence evaluar su situación.

            Manténgase alerta y continúe informando cualquier actividad sospechosa. Sus acciones ayudan a proteger a la comunidad y crear conciencia sobre estas estafas.

            Administrador, Foro


              Hi Yanick,

              Thank you for bringing your experience to the attention of the ScamCrypto community. It is crucial for all of us to share such incidents to increase awareness and prevent others from falling into similar traps.

              From your description, it appears that the job offer from “Impact Recruitment” was a front for a classic advance fee scam disguised under the premise of easy work-from-home opportunities. Such schemes often ask participants to invest small amounts of money with the promise of high returns in a short period, only to require more payments under various pretexts without ever delivering the promised returns. Your proactive decision to withdraw funds and cease communication was wise and may have saved you from further losses.

              Your experience reminds all community members to exercise skepticism towards unsolicited job offers or opportunities that require upfront investments, especially those involving cryptocurrency transactions, which are often irreversible and untraceable once made. Always research any company or website thoroughly before engaging or investing, and be wary of platforms that promise unrealistic returns or require money to unlock further earnings.

              Please continue to share any further information or developments regarding this issue. Your input is valuable to our ongoing efforts to combat online scams and frauds.

              Stay vigilant,


                Hello everyone,

                We received the following complaint regarding Capitalix:

                I want to raise awareness about a fraudulent trading company named Capitalix. I encountered their services through an online advertisement and was persuaded by a phone call to start trading with them. Initially, everything seemed normal as I experienced both profits and losses. However, the real issue arose when I attempted to withdraw my remaining balance of $11,558 from my account.

                Despite applying for a full withdrawal, I received a notification in my trading account that my request was canceled. Upon contacting customer support, I was informed that due to their bonus agreement policy, I could only withdraw $4,400. Further communication was promised through my personal manager, who never reached out. Additional attempts to resolve the issue via Telegram and email were met with the same restrictive responses.

                The situation escalated when they suggested canceling the withdrawal and coercing me into more trading, which led to further losses. I’m left without clear recourse to recover my funds, which total more than $5,000 invested.

                If Capitalix has also victimized you, please share your story here. Your experiences could be crucial for alerting others and possibly retrieving some of our investments.

                in reply to: Fake Nordstrom Task Remote Job Scheme #1443

                  Hello Karla,

                  Thank you for sharing your experience, and I’m truly sorry to hear that you’ve been affected by this fraudulent scheme. It’s heartbreaking to hear that the situation escalated to a more significant loss despite initial payments. Your detailed account is invaluable as it helps us all better understand the tactics scammers use and the lengths they go to appear legitimate.

                  First and foremost, it’s important that you immediately cease any further communication with the parties involved in this scam. Additionally, if you haven’t already, consider taking the following actions:

                  1. File a report with your local law enforcement and any relevant financial authorities. Also, report the scam to cryptocurrency platforms used in the transactions to flag the involved addresses possibly.
                  2. Change passwords and implement two-factor authentication on your digital wallets and any related accounts that might have been compromised.
                  3. Keep a detailed record of all communications, transactions, and other evidence related to the scam. This documentation will be crucial for any investigations.
                  4. Consulting with a legal advisor specializing in cybercrimes or financial fraud might provide more personalized guidance based on your situation.

                  We will update our community alert to include the specific tactic of “MetaMask account freezing” you encountered. This is a common strategy scammers use to extract more funds under the guise of security concerns.

                  Please stay engaged in this forum and consider subscribing to our regular updates for any new alerts. By sharing our experiences and knowledge, we can strengthen our defenses against these deceitful operations.

                  Stay safe,

                  in reply to: Alert on Potential Cryptocurrency Scam – #1437

                    Hello Yoshi,

                    Thank you for sharing your encounter and for being vigilant. Your instincts served you well; by researching, you likely avoided becoming another victim of this scam.

                    The information you’ve come across on the forum regarding and the associated company, Freetour, aligns with your suspicions. It’s concerning to hear that they attempted to recruit you for seemingly simple tasks with the promise of quick money. These are classic signs of a potential scam, often targeting individuals looking for remote work opportunities.

                    We must continue sharing such experiences openly to help educate and protect each other digitally. If anyone else has encountered similar offers or has been in contact with Freetour, please contribute to this discussion.

                    Stay safe, and always trust your gut when something feels off. Your actions could make a difference for someone else.

                    Best regards,
                    Adam from Forum

                    in reply to: Payable BTC account ( broker ) #1419

                      Hello Jan,

                      Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Despite the threats you are receiving, it’s important to remain calm and collected in these situations.

                      Firstly, verifying any claim about financial obligations or accounts is essential, especially those you don’t remember creating. The demand for payment to maintain a BTC account you don’t recall setting up is highly suspect and typical of scam tactics.

                      Here are some steps you can take:

                      1. Do Not Pay: If uncertain about the claim’s authenticity, do not agree to send any money. Scammers often pressure victims to make quick payments.

                      2. Verify Independently: Attempt to verify the existence of this account through independent means. Do not use any contact information they provide. Instead, if the platform is legitimate, contact their official customer service channels as listed on their genuine website.

                      3. Secure Your Information: Since they have your personal details and phone number, consider how they might have obtained this information. It might be wise to change passwords and secure accounts that might also be vulnerable.

                      4. Document Everything: Keep a record of all communications from these individuals for evidence. This documentation can be valuable for law enforcement.

                      5. Report to Authorities: Consider reporting this incident to local law enforcement and relevant financial authorities. Law enforcement should be notified in cases involving threats and extortion.

                      6. Consult a Professional: If the situation escalates or you need more specific advice, consulting with a professional from a company like CNC Intelligence could guide you on how to proceed, especially in tracing potential fraudulent activity linked to your name.

                      It’s distressing to deal with such scenarios, but these steps will help protect your interests and potentially stop the scammers from targeting others. Please keep us updated, and do not hesitate to ask for more help.

                      Best regards,

                      ScamCrypto Forum Moderator

                      in reply to: Scam Alert: Gelcrypto Withdrawal Scam #1411

                        Warning – Scam Involving and Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Transactions

                        Public Advisory and Request for Information

                        This post serves as a warning about fraudulent activities associated with the website and related cryptocurrency transactions. A recent incident has involved the unauthorized withdrawal of Ether (ETH) and other cryptocurrencies, significantly impacting an individual’s savings.

                        Relevant Details for OSINT Investigation:

                        If you have encountered similar incidents or have been a victim of a scam involving Gelcrypto or any of the addresses above, please come forward and share your story. Any additional information could be crucial for investigations and to prevent future scams.


                          Potential Cryptocurrency Scam Involving “Jubi” Trading Platform

                          • Scam Type: Cryptocurrency
                          • Reported Loss: $4,000 initially, with $12,000 currently inaccessible
                          • Target Location: CA, USA – 95826
                          • Date Reported: March 8, 2024
                          • Scammer Alias: Kelly
                          • Interaction Platform: Telegram

                          Description of the Scam: Kelly, who claimed to be from Singapore, contacted the victim. After initial friendly exchanges via text, they moved communication to Telegram. Kelly shared her story of being in an abusive relationship and expressed a desire to make friends in the US. She introduced the victim to trading gold on the Jubi platform, convincing them to transfer $4,000 into the platform via and a crypto wallet. Initially, the trades appeared profitable, offering 40% returns. However, Kelly soon began pressuring the victims to increase their investment to participate in higher-stake trades, which raised suspicions. The victim has since ceased communication but cannot withdraw their funds from Jubi.

                          If you have had similar experiences with someone named Kelly, used the Jubi platform for trading, or encountered similar scenarios on Telegram, please share your story. Details such as how you were contacted, the communication methods used, and any transactions can help others recognize and avoid similar scams.


                            Severe Investment Scam Involving Jubi

                            • Reported Contact Number: +1 (347) 257-5380
                            • Reported Loss: $100,000
                            • Target Location: CA, USA – 93314
                            • Scam Type: Cryptocurrency
                            • Date Reported: March 6, 2024
                            • Scammer Location: Santa Monica, CA

                            Description of the Scam: The victim reports being unable to withdraw funds from their Jubi account after paying significant sums for taxes and validation fees and being fined for alleged inside trading—a charge they were previously assured would not be levied. Despite assurances that no additional fees would be required and that withdrawals would be processed, the victim experienced escalating demands for money. The account has since been frozen, and threats have been made demanding a further $33,000 fine, all while the victim’s funds remain inaccessible.

                            Please share your story if you have experienced similar issues with Jubi or any other investment platform that required upfront payments and subsequent withdrawal difficulties. Specific details such as the payment methods, additional contact information, or correspondence with the scammers could be instrumental in helping others avoid these fraudulent schemes.

                              • Scam Platforms: Facebook, Messenger
                              • Fraudulent Website: EXPERTCOINPRO
                              • Reported Loss: $7,000
                              • Target Location: TN, USA – 38301
                              • Scam Type: Cryptocurrency
                              • Date Reported: April 1, 2024
                              • Scammer Location: Memphis, TN

                              Description of the Scam: A scammer, using Facebook to initiate contact, offered guidance on cryptocurrency investment via Messenger. The victim was instructed to connect their bank account to Coinbase, purchase Bitcoin, and then transfer these funds to a platform called EXPERTCOINPRO for investment management. After showing a profit on paper, the scammer ceased all communication when the victim attempted to withdraw funds. Subsequent withdrawal requests to EXPERTCOINPRO were denied, with generic and unhelpful responses from their support.

                              If you have been affected by a similar scam involving EXPERTCOINPRO or have encountered scams initiated through Facebook or Messenger, please share your experiences. Providing details about your interactions, including any communication logs, transaction records, or additional contact information you might have, could be vital for helping others avoid similar scams and could assist in any investigative efforts.

                              in reply to: Cryptocurrency Scam Warning Involving #1380

                                A recent scam involving a fraudulent cryptocurrency website,, has come to light. The scam begins with a text message from the number (947) 214-6169, under the guise of a wrong number. The individual, who identifies as Louise Smith from New York, with a TikTok handle @louise7745, quickly shifts the conversation to friendship and investment opportunities.

                                After moving communication to WhatsApp at the number (315) 615-2424, Louise introduces the victim to the website for crypto investment. The victim was instructed to upload personal identification (front and back photos of their driver’s license and ID number) to “verify” their account and was persuaded to purchase $9,000 worth of USDT. Post “trade,” a further $7,000 was demanded as a platform fee to release funds—a fee that was wisely not paid by the complainant. However, the initial $9,000 investment was lost.

                                Details to Aid in OSINT Investigations:

                                • Fraudulent Website:
                                • Contact Numbers: Text initial contact (947) 214-6169; WhatsApp (315) 615-2424
                                • Social Media: TikTok @louise7745
                                • Identified Scammer Name: Louise Smith

                                This scheme targets individuals by building trust through seemingly innocuous conversations before transitioning to fraudulent financial advice and requests.

                                If you’ve encountered this scam or one similar to it involving Louise Smith or the website listed above, please share your story. Gathering more information can help warn others and possibly take action against the perpetrators. Stay vigilant and protect your personal and financial information online.


                                  Hello Steven,

                                  It’s concerning to hear that you’ve been subjected to this type of aggressive and persistent demand for money. Rest assured, legitimate companies do not engage in such behavior. The site you’ve mentioned is clearly operating a scam through intimidation tactics, which is a serious offense.

                                  Please do not respond to their requests or click on any links provided. If you haven’t already, report this incident to your local cybercrime authority. Also, consider blocking the sender and securing your personal information.

                                  Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the ScamCrypto community. Your alert helps others to be wary of such scams. If anyone else has encountered this or has more information, please share your experience to help prevent further incidents.

                                  Stay safe,

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