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      Hello X. Wayde,

      Thank you for your vigilance and for confirming the suspicious nature of the site in question. Your description of the events paints a clear picture of a Ponzi-like scheme, intending to deceive and extract funds from individuals under pretenses.

      Using a reputable company’s name to recruit potential victims is a particularly concerning tactic. Your efforts in reporting this to the appropriate cybercrime units and the media are commendable and aid in raising awareness about such fraudulent activities.

      Anyone reading this should take X. Wayde’s experience as a cautionary tale. Always approach unsolicited job offers and investment opportunities skeptically, and conduct thorough research before committing funds. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

      Stay alert and safe,
      Adam Team

      in reply to: Suspected Scam Operation – [] #1358

        A detailed follow-up has been submitted to our earlier alert about the website posing as “Travelocity,” which can be found at The individual engaged in what they believed to be legitimate tasks for the company, mentored by a person named Minnie Yevtushenko. This activity involved purchasing cryptocurrency and transferring funds under the pretense of work-related tasks.

        Additional Case Details:

        • Suspected Scam Operation: Optimize hotel data for Travelocity mentored by Minnie Yevtushenko
        • Transaction Hash: 0xD2c531305Db965503243cAe3C090CC1Dbd9b5338
        • Fraudulent Method: Participants were instructed to transfer funds between various platforms, including personal digital wallets and Cash App, under the guise of completing workbench tasks.

        The victim has contacted Cash App and their financial institutions, including Wells Fargo and a credit union, for support. They have retained evidence across various platforms, including WhatsApp and digital wallet histories.

        Vital OSINT Investigative Points:

        • Fraudulent website involved:
        • Patterns: The use of fake customer support groups and decoy contacts to report fraudulent activities on the scam site.
        • Evidence: Multiple transactions between the victim’s accounts and those controlled by the scammer(s).

        We urge community members who have encountered this website, interacted with individuals claiming to be from this operation, or have made transactions prompted by such individuals to come forward with their experiences. Sharing your story may help others avoid similar scams and contribute to the broader investigation efforts.

        If you have any information about “” or have been in contact with Minnie Yevtushenko or similar personas, please share your story.

        We can help each other stay safe in the digital world and fight against these fraudulent schemes.

        in reply to: Bitcoin Mining #1353

          Hello Jan,

          Thank you for reaching out with your concerns about this Bitcoin mining platform. Your situation raises several red flags commonly associated with online scams. Legitimate mining operations do not typically contact individuals to collect mined cryptocurrency, especially not by demanding payment or making threats.

          The inconsistency in communication and the use of multiple email addresses suggest a phishing scheme designed to deceive you into making a payment. If you have not intentionally engaged in Bitcoin mining, it is highly unlikely that any cryptocurrency has been mined on your behalf, especially given the technical limitations of older computers in performing such tasks.

          We do not recommend responding to these emails or making any payments. Instead, please forward all relevant information, including the emails and any associated websites, to our secure reporting system so that we can investigate this platform further and provide appropriate warnings to others.

          If you receive these emails daily, consider implementing spam filters or blocking the senders. Protecting your personal information and remaining vigilant against such deceptive practices is important.

          Best regards,
          ScamCrypto Forum Moderator

          in reply to: Winner for 76 $ #1352

            Hello Jan,

            Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It’s always wise to be cautious with unsolicited messages about winning money, especially those with links that could be harmful or part of a phishing attempt. If you have received multiple such emails, they are likely spam and potentially part of a scam operation. We advise against clicking on any suspicious links or providing any personal information.

            If you want to report a crypto scam, we encourage you to provide as much detail as possible about the communication without clicking any links or engaging further with the sender.

            Stay safe,
            ScamCrypto Forum Moderator

            in reply to: Scam Alert – #1333

              We are sorry to hear about your encounter with this scam. Your initiative to open a new crypto wallet was prudent, but please remain cautious and avoid any further transactions that could compromise your financial security. We encourage you to report this incident to the appropriate authorities and provide any details that might aid the investigation.

              Remember: Legitimate companies will never ask you to pay money to clear tasks or access earnings. Always verify the legitimacy of a request before sending funds, and report any suspicious demands immediately.

              in reply to: Scam Warning – #1310

                Hello Verdefous,

                We’re truly sorry to hear about your distressing experience with the fraudulent scheme masquerading as Shearings Global. Your detailed account of how this scam operates is alarming and is precisely the kind of information that can aid others in avoiding similar traps.

                Please do not attempt to complete more trip flows or send additional funds. These scammers prey on hope and desperation, and it’s clear that this operation is designed to extract as much money as possible from its victims.

                Your willingness to share details like the Telegram group and the interactions with your mentor can be very important in an investigation. Collecting and preserving all evidence, such as screenshots of the Telegram messages, the website links, and any other communication, is crucial.

                We encourage you to report this information to the local authorities and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre as soon as possible. While recovery of the funds is uncertain, taking these steps is important for stopping the scammer’s activities and warning others.

                Additionally, consider reaching out to organizations that support newcomers in Canada. They might have resources or advice for those who have been victims of scams.

                Your action can prevent this from happening to others and may contribute to shutting down the scam. Thank you for coming forward, and we wish you the best in resolving this difficult situation.

                Best regards,
       Forum Admin

                in reply to: Scam Alert: Fraudulent Activity #1309

                  Hello Meshal Alghamdi,

                  Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It’s concerning to hear about your interaction with entities associated with, which has been reported for fraudulent activity. The offer to complete tasks for a commission is a common tactic used in online scams, often leading participants to provide personal information or make initial payments with the promise of future rewards that never materialize.

                  It’s important to remain cautious and avoid further engagement with these contacts. We advise against performing any tasks or providing personal details to these individuals. If you have already engaged with them and have additional information, such as transaction hashes, communication logs, or wallet addresses, please share them. This information could be crucial for our ongoing investigation and might help prevent others from falling victim to similar scams.

                  We appreciate your cooperation and are here to support you and others affected by such fraudulent schemes.

                  Stay safe,
                  ScamCrypto Forum Admin

                  in reply to: Scam Alert for #1303

                    Hello Dodge Cools,

                    Thank you for sharing your perspective on It’s valuable to hear from users with different experiences. While it’s encouraging to know that you’ve had successful transactions with this website, it’s important to acknowledge that experiences can vary widely, especially on online platforms.

                    The nature of online scams often involves a mix of legitimate and fraudulent operations to create confusion and lend credibility to the scam. It’s possible that some users might not encounter any issues, while others may become victims of sophisticated fraud schemes. This discrepancy doesn’t invalidate the experiences of those who have been defrauded.

                    We urge all users to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any online platform, even if there are positive testimonials. It’s also crucial for the community to come together and share their experiences, whether positive or negative. This collective wisdom can help others make informed decisions and potentially avoid scams.

                    Let’s continue to support and inform each other, keeping our online community safe from potential scams.

                    Adam from ScamCrypto Forum

                    in reply to: Scam Alert for #1302

                      Hello Mehmet,

                      Thank you for sharing your experience with It’s unfortunate to hear about the significant amount of money you’ve been blocked from accessing. Your detailed account of the scam’s operations provides valuable insight into its fraudulent practices and will undoubtedly help others be more vigilant.

                      Before taking any action, especially publicizing personal information, we urge you to consider the potential legal implications of doing so. While your intention to warn others is commendable, sharing personal information publicly can have unintended consequences.

                      Instead, we recommend focusing on legal avenues for recourse and prevention. Engaging with cybercrime authorities and providing them with all the information you’ve gathered can be more effective in stopping these scammers. Additionally, if you’ve lost a significant amount in cryptocurrency, consider contacting specialized services like CNC Intelligence for assistance tracing and potentially recovering your assets. They have the expertise to handle such cases and can offer the support you need.

                      Remember, sharing your story on platforms like ours is a powerful step toward raising awareness. We encourage everyone who has had similar experiences to come forward. Together, we can strengthen our defense against these fraudulent schemes and support each other in the recovery process.

                      Stay safe and vigilant,
                      Adam from ScamCrypto Forum


                        Dear Anmol Ran,

                        Thank you for sharing your experience and bringing this to the attention of the ScamCrypto community. We understand how distressing it can be to find yourself in such a situation and appreciate your courage in speaking out. Your report is invaluable in our collective effort to combat online fraud, especially in cryptocurrency.

                        Based on your details, you were approached with a promising job opportunity, only to discover it was a ploy to entice you into a potentially fraudulent cryptocurrency transaction scheme. The modus operandi you described is unfortunately common among scammers who exploit the allure of easy money to trap unsuspecting individuals.

                        We encourage other members of the ScamCrypto community who might have encountered similar schemes or have information about the mentioned website and wallet address to share their experiences. Collective insight can be powerful in understanding and countering such scams.

                        Anmol, we are here to support and inform you and our community. Together, we can work towards a safer online environment and take a stand against scams and fraudulent schemes.

                        Stay Safe,


                          It sounds like you’ve gone through a significantly distressing experience with Fridman Wealth Partners, and it’s commendable that you’re taking steps to warn others about this fraudulent operation. Given the complexity of your situation, especially with the substantial financial loss involved and the sophisticated nature of the scam you’ve encountered, it’s crucial to seek expert assistance in navigating the next steps toward potentially mitigating the impact of this fraud.

                          Given the significant amount of money at stake and the intricate scam operation you’ve described, scheduling an initial consultation with CNC Intelligence could be a critical step in exploring possible avenues for tracing the cryptocurrency and gathering the necessary evidence to assist law enforcement and law firms in your fund recovery efforts.

                          CNC Intelligence Inc. specializes in Cyber Intelligence, Cyber Investigations, and Cryptocurrency Tracing. It has a strong track record of assisting law enforcement and law firms with asset recovery cases, particularly in situations as complex as yours.

                          It’s important to gather all the information and documentation related to your dealings with Fridman Wealth Partners, including transaction IDs, correspondence, records of your investments, and attempted communications. This information will be invaluable in assisting CNC Intelligence in their investigation and enhancing the chances of tracing the funds.

                          Remember, while the road to recovery can be challenging, seeking expert help is a step in the right direction. Your proactive approach to seeking justice not only helps your case but also contributes to the broader effort to combat online financial fraud.


                            Roy, I’m deeply sorry to hear about your experience with the TTaurus platform and the significant losses you’ve faced. Your courage in sharing your story is crucial in raising awareness and potentially aiding others in avoiding similar traps.

                            Given the scale of your financial loss, engaging with specialized services like CNC Intelligence could offer a path towards seeking some form of resolution. Their expertise in cryptocurrency tracing and assistance in fund recovery cases for law enforcement and law firms could be invaluable.

                            I strongly recommend compiling all available evidence of your transactions and communications with the platform and contacting CNC Intelligence for a consultation.

                            Stay strong, and remember, sharing your experience helps build a community that’s more resilient to scams.

                            in reply to: Beware of Crypto Scam! #1259

                              Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. The situation you’ve described with is indeed alarming, and it is precisely the type of issue our community strives to highlight and combat.

                              in reply to: Fake Job Posting and Payment Scheme #1248

                                We’ve recently been informed of a concerning scam involving a website known as This scheme tricks individuals into believing they’re being hired for online product reviews, leading to significant financial losses.

                                Key Details of the Scam:

                                • Scam Website:
                                • Cryptocurrency Addresses Associated with the Scam:
                                • ETH: 0x332d8Ff68E65cb0dcbC48B07bCe4DB6E2fFE8C21
                                • ETH: 0x3f150094ccf70f914f18f11708e56cb9547e0cbb
                                • Contact Information Used by Scammers:
                                • Chloe on WhatsApp: 347-320-4996 (Claimed to be a coach)
                                • Customer Service (CS): 347-280-6759
                                • Reported Loss: Several hundred to over $1000, with detailed transactions still being tallied.
                                • Transaction Hash Example: 0xda1550e1ea81d0eca7f2ca16958c1d1eadddf39ea1193fd39842010edabed794

                                Victims were contacted for online job positions and went through a so-called training process. However, red flags appeared as demands for depositing money for tasks became frequent, alongside rude and pushy behavior from the contacts.

                                If you or someone you know has been scammed by these or similar tactics, please share your story. Your information could prevent others from falling victim to this scam. We invite you to provide any additional details, including cryptocurrency addresses, transaction hashes, and screenshots of communications.

                                in reply to: Fake Job Posting and Payment Scheme #1247

                                  Dear Leigh,

                                  Thank you for sharing the details of your distressing experience. We’re truly sorry to hear about your situation. Scams, especially those masquerading as job opportunities, can be deceptive and damaging.

                                  Given the complexity of your case and the involvement of cryptocurrency transactions, it’s crucial to approach this with a multi-faceted strategy:

                                  1. Immediate Actions:

                                  • Secure Your Digital Footprint: Change passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your digital accounts, especially those linked to financial transactions.
                                  • Document Everything: Keep detailed records of all communications, transactions, and other relevant information related to the scam. These documents are invaluable for investigations.

                                  2. Cryptocurrency Transaction Investigation:

                                  • As your loss approaches the $5000 threshold, we strongly recommend consulting with CNC Intelligence, a company specializing in cryptocurrency forensics and investigation. They assist law firms and law enforcement in asset recovery cases by tracing cryptocurrency transactions to provide actionable intelligence.
                                  • Given their partnership with certified cryptocurrency investigation bodies and utilization of advanced analytics from Blockchain Intelligence Group, Chainalysis, and TRM Labs, they’re equipped to offer tailored solutions that could significantly bolster your case.

                                  3. Legal Consultation: Consider consulting a legal professional who specializes in cybercrime and financial fraud. They can provide guidance on your rights and, if the perpetrators can be identified, potential civil action against them.

                                  We understand this is an incredibly challenging time for you, but taking these steps can help mitigate further risk and potentially lead to some form of resolution. Our community is here to support you throughout this process. Please keep us updated on your progress, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.

                                  Warm regards,

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