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Reported As Possible Scam

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  • #10482


      Reported Address: 0x16db0c7b2d5d41cc6e492dfb52a0e6bd2a3f2c71 📋
      Reported Address: 0xA9D1e08C7793af67e9d92fe308d5697FB81d3E43 📋

      Reported Domain:
      Reported Domain:

      Scammer contact information:

      Emory Callahan, “The Professor”
      Sophia Davis “Professor’s Assistant”
      Telegram: DavisA01
      Telegram: bitfcoincs

      How much was lost or stolen?


      Transaction hash(es):



      ONA Community lured me in to a WhatsApp group with the professor’s assistant to invest in short term trading with too good to be true profit plans with rapid results. She helped me get registered on BITFII and take part of a closed beta test trading group receiving trading signals from a new quantitative AI trading system AlphaStream 5.0 with the professor Emory Callahan leading the group with knowledge and experience. At first I was to add my own funds to BITFII and then I could test the withdrawal of profits back Coinbase and my bank. It worked for a while until the messaging on the group was all about increasing the investment by adding more funds to increase the principal to trade with. On December 15, 2024 I transferred $1474.70 from Coinbase and then the next day caught a whiff of the scam through Google searches and tried to reaching and withdraw all my money. I was locked out of my BITFII wallet and then my access to BITFII was frozen. Contact with the ONA Group and BITFII customer service all but disappeared and I knew I was a victim of a scam.

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