Home » Topics » Scam Reports and Alerts » Beware of Bluecex.com Crypto Scam!
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  • #976 Reply

      If you’ve encountered the Bluecex.com scam, you’re not alone. Victims have reported losing substantial amounts of money, with promises of being unable to withdraw funds without further payments. Here are the details you need to be aware of:

      Scammer Information:

      • Website: Bluecex.com
      • Email: Support@bluecez.com

      Reported Scam Details:

      • Amount Lost: $20,000
      • Cryptocurrency Involved: Bitcoin
      • Date Reported: January 18, 2024
      • Targeted Location: FL, USA – 32526
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    • Author
      • #2035 Reply
        Md Mahbubur Rahman

          I have 1.341600BTC in my Blucex wallet, but I cannot withdraw it. Is it scam???

          • #2037 Reply

              Hello Md Mahbubur Rahman,

              Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience. Unfortunately, based on the information you’ve provided and the reports from other users, it appears that Bluecex.com is indeed a scam.

              Here’s what you should do immediately:

              1. Stop all communication with Bluecex.com to avoid further losses.
              2. Do not send any more money or provide any additional personal information.
              3. Report the scam to local law enforcement and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Include all the details and communications you have with Bluecex.com to assist in their investigation.
              4. Change your passwords and enable two-factor authentication on cryptocurrency wallets and other financial accounts to prevent unauthorized access.

              If you invested over $5,000 in cryptocurrency, we recommend contacting CNC Intelligence for a free consultation. They specialize in cryptocurrency tracing and cyber investigations and may be able to assist you in recovering your assets.

              Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Your reports help us expose scams and protect others from these fraudulent schemes.

              Stay safe,
              Admin, ScamCrypto.net Forum

          • #1600 Reply
            Ratan Kumar ray

              Bluecex.com is scammed with me I deposited a lot of money there like $50000+ usdt. But my account is sis not verified. Now I am traying to withdraw, but they wants more money.

              Plesse help me,

              Ratan Kumar ray

              • #1605 Reply

                  Hello Ratan Kumar Ray,

                  I’m very sorry to hear about your experience with Bluecex.com. Based on your description, it seems like you’ve fallen victim to a scam. Here are the steps you should take immediately:

                  1. Cease all communication with Bluecex.com to prevent further losses.
                  2. Do not send any more money or personal information to them.
                  3. Report the scam to your local law enforcement and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to help them investigate this matter.
                  4. Change your passwords and enable two-factor authentication to protect your other financial accounts.

                  For those who have lost over $5,000 in cryptocurrency, we recommend contacting CNC Intelligence for a free consultation. They specialize in cryptocurrency tracing and cyber investigations, and may be able to assist you in recovering your assets.

                  When you contact them, please include as many details as possible about your transaction and communications with Bluecex.com. This will help them assess your situation more effectively.

                  Your reports are crucial in helping us expose scams and protect others. Thank you for sharing your experience, and please stay vigilant.

                  Best regards,
                  Admin, ScamCrypto.net Forum

              • #1593 Reply
                . Gerald

                  <p style=”text-align: left;”>I received 1.34 in Bitcoin but to accept it I had to open an account with blue sex then when I tried to withdraw or transfer any of the Bitcoin it wanted a $50 for verification purposes is this a scam or is this legit can anybody tell me</p>

                  • #1596 Reply

                      Hi Gerald,

                      What you’ve encountered with Bluecex.com sounds like a scam. Fraudsters commonly require a fee to withdraw funds to extort more money from victims. Based on multiple reports, Bluecex.com has been engaging in similar suspicious activities.

                      Here are some steps you should take immediately:

                      1. Stop any further communication with Bluecex.com.
                      2. Do not pay any additional fees or provide more personal information.
                      3. Report the scam to local law enforcement and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Providing them with all the details and communications can help them investigate the scam.
                      4. Secure your accounts: To ensure the security of your cryptocurrency and other financial accounts, change your passwords and enable two-factor authentication.

                      If anyone else has been scammed by Bluecex.com, please share your stories here. The more information we can gather, the better we can protect others and take action against these fraudsters.

                      Stay safe,

                  • #1470 Reply

                      Hello ScamCrypto Community,

                      Thank you all for sharing your experiences and alerting others about the issues with Bluecex.com. Your reports clearly show that this platform has engaged in suspicious and potentially fraudulent practices, notably requiring additional payments to process withdrawals, which is a significant red flag.

                      For anyone who has lost over $5,000 in cryptocurrency due to this scam, we strongly recommend contacting CNC Intelligence for a free consultation. CNC Intelligence specializes in cyber investigations and cryptocurrency tracing and may be able to assist you in understanding your options for asset recovery.

                      Please include details of your transaction and any communications with Bluecex.com when you reach out. Remember, the more information you provide, the better CNC Intelligence can assess your situation.

                      Stay vigilant and continue to report any suspicious activities. Your actions help protect the community and raise awareness about these scams.

                      Best regards,
                      Admin, ScamCrypto.net Forum


                      Hola comunidad de ScamCrypto,

                      Gracias a todos por compartir sus experiencias y alertar a otros sobre los problemas con Bluecex.com. Sus informes muestran claramente que esta plataforma ha participado en prácticas sospechosas y potencialmente fraudulentas, en particular requiriendo pagos adicionales para procesar retiros, lo cual es una señal de alerta importante.

                      Para cualquiera que haya perdido más de $5,000 en criptomonedas debido a esta estafa, recomendamos encarecidamente comunicarse con CNC Intelligence para una consulta gratuita. CNC Intelligence se especializa en investigaciones cibernéticas y rastreo de criptomonedas y puede ayudarlo a comprender sus opciones para la recuperación de activos.

                      Incluya los detalles de su transacción y cualquier comunicación con Bluecex.com cuando se comunique. Recuerde, cuanta más información proporcione, mejor podrá CNC Intelligence evaluar su situación.

                      Manténgase alerta y continúe informando cualquier actividad sospechosa. Sus acciones ayudan a proteger a la comunidad y crear conciencia sobre estas estafas.

                      Administrador, Foro ScamCrypto.net

                    • #1469 Reply

                        Golpe pede um certo valor para poder sacar

                        Translation: The scam asks for a certain amount to be able to withdraw.

                      • #1424 Reply
                        Fernando Amador

                          <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lost over 75,000 dollars already i’m done</p>

                        • #1259 Reply

                            Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. The situation you’ve described with Bluecex.com is indeed alarming, and it is precisely the type of issue our community strives to highlight and combat.

                          • #1257 Reply
                            George Tragkas

                              They offered me 1 btc in exchange of yhe standard 35 $ fee

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