ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Reports and Alerts Bitcoin Withdrawal Scam Involving “Elon Musk” Impersonation

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      I was led to believe that I had received Bitcoin from “Elon Musk.” When I tried to withdraw it, I encountered the first red flag – the system claimed I didn’t have enough in my wallet to make a withdrawal. To proceed, I was instructed to deposit more funds. Reluctantly, I complied, thinking it would resolve the issue. However, this was just the beginning.

      After meeting the initial deposit requirement, the scam continued to evolve. They kept asking for more money, each time promising that this would enable me to withdraw my funds. In desperation, I even reached out to their chat support, but it was to no avail.

      The sad conclusion of this story is that I was never able to withdraw any Bitcoin. In the process, I lost between $1,300 and $2,000. Moreover, all the money in my Robinhood account has been depleted, and I see no way to recover it.

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