Home » Topics » Crypto Fraud Case Studies » Cryptocurrency Scam Warning Involving okolx.com
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  • #1126 Reply

      Community members and online investors, please be vigilant and cautious about a cryptocurrency scam involving the website okolx.com. A user has reported a sophisticated scheme that led to a significant financial loss, disguised as cryptocurrency investment and education.

      Key Details:

      • Amount Lost: $8,073
      • Target’s Location: GA, USA- 30080
      • Scammer’s Contact: (315) 615-2424
      • Scammer’s Alias: Lousie Smith, claimed resident of New York, owner of a fashion and tile company, with a TikTok handle @louise7745
      • Fraudulent Website: okolx.com
      • Nature of Scam: Cryptocurrency scam with promises of high returns and requirements for tax fees for withdrawals
      • Date Reported: February 11, 2024

      The scam began with a wrong number reaching out to the victim, leading to a conversation and an eventual proposition to invest in cryptocurrency through okolx.com. The victim was encouraged to deposit their life savings and was later asked to pay a $8,000 “tax fee” to withdraw supposed earnings, which resulted in a total loss when the scammer and the customer service ceased communication.

      If you have been targeted or victimized by a similar scam, especially one involving okolx.com or any contact with the mentioned phone number or TikTok handle, sharing your story can be immensely helpful. Details of your experience, including any communications, transactions, or additional contact information, can help alert and protect others within the community.

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      • #1380 Reply

          A recent scam involving a fraudulent cryptocurrency website, https://okolx.com/, has come to light. The scam begins with a text message from the number (947) 214-6169, under the guise of a wrong number. The individual, who identifies as Louise Smith from New York, with a TikTok handle @louise7745, quickly shifts the conversation to friendship and investment opportunities.

          After moving communication to WhatsApp at the number (315) 615-2424, Louise introduces the victim to the website https://okolx.com/ for crypto investment. The victim was instructed to upload personal identification (front and back photos of their driver’s license and ID number) to “verify” their account and was persuaded to purchase $9,000 worth of USDT. Post “trade,” a further $7,000 was demanded as a platform fee to release funds—a fee that was wisely not paid by the complainant. However, the initial $9,000 investment was lost.

          Details to Aid in OSINT Investigations:

          • Fraudulent Website: https://okolx.com/
          • Contact Numbers: Text initial contact (947) 214-6169; WhatsApp (315) 615-2424
          • Social Media: TikTok @louise7745
          • Identified Scammer Name: Louise Smith

          This scheme targets individuals by building trust through seemingly innocuous conversations before transitioning to fraudulent financial advice and requests.

          If you’ve encountered this scam or one similar to it involving Louise Smith or the website listed above, please share your story. Gathering more information can help warn others and possibly take action against the perpetrators. Stay vigilant and protect your personal and financial information online.

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