Home » Topics » Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Addresses » GBII5MAPMOUHXNKBLZFGCKSTHXMB55AVYGFLVBC36RNH5O3ONSBH7BT6
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  • #2595 Reply

      A disturbing incident involving the Pi Network has surfaced. An unsuspecting user was scammed after interacting with a fraudulent link on Facebook. The user was lured into providing their passphrase to claim free Pi points. Upon gaining access to the victim’s wallet, the scammer swiftly transferred 25.0360704 Pi to the receiving address GBII5MAPMOUHXNKBLZFGCKSTHXMB55AVYGFLVBC36RNH5O3ONSBH7BT6 📋 , resulting in a significant financial loss. This is a critical reminder to Pi Network users and the broader cryptocurrency community to exercise caution when engaging with unsolicited offers and never to share their private passphrases.


      The receiving address GBII5MAPMOUHXNKBLZFGCKSTHXMB55AVYGFLVBC36RNH5O3ONSBH7BT6 📋 is active and has been involved in numerous transactions within the Pi Network. The account holds a balance of over 273 Pi, indicating that it may be receiving Pi from various sources.

      The address is associated with the Pi Network, which uses its own system for generating wallet addresses distinct from traditional blockchain addresses like Bitcoin or Ethereum. These addresses are used to send, receive, and store Pi coins within the Pi Network’s ecosystem.

      The series of payments observed, with multiple transactions occurring within short intervals, suggests that this address could be part of a larger operation, potentially connected to fraudulent activities. The absence of a home domain and subentries, combined with the frequency and volume of transactions, raises red flags regarding the legitimacy of this address.

      Given its involvement in the unauthorized transfer of 25.0360704 Pi from the victim’s wallet, this address should be considered potentially fraudulent.

      Complaints We Received

      A user reported a scam on the ScamCrypto Forum, describing how they lost 10.32 Pi coins due to a hacking incident. The scammer accessed the victim’s account and transferred the coins to the address GBII5MAPMOUHXNKBLZFGCKSTHXMB55AVYGFLVBC36RNH5O3ONSBH7BT6 📋 , which was also linked to fraudulent activity on Facebook.

      Bottom Line

      In conclusion, after carefully analyzing the receiving address and the circumstances of the transaction, it is clear that this is indeed a scam. The unauthorized transfer of Pi from your wallet, coupled with the suspicious activity associated with the receiving address, strongly indicates malicious intent. We all need to remain vigilant and protect our private keys and passphrases. This incident is a stark reminder to double-check the legitimacy of any links or offers, especially on social media. We must prioritize security and be cautious when interacting with unfamiliar platforms or services.

      Share your story and help others avoid this Pi scam.

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      • #3633 Reply


          <span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>لقد سرق مني 60 عمل</span></span>

        • #2859 Reply
          Labanay Binta Karim
              <li style=”text-align: left;”>He stole my 174 pi from my pi wallet…. he is a scammer
          • #2803 Reply

              he stole 43 pi from my wallet 😭😭

              • #2804 Reply

                  Hi Arrold,

                  We’re really sorry to hear that 43 Pi was stolen from your wallet. It’s incredibly frustrating to fall victim to these scams. Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to reverse once a cryptocurrency transaction is completed. However, there are some steps you can take:

                  1. Report the Incident: Report this theft to Pi Network’s support team. They may not be able to recover your coins, but they could take action against the scammer’s account and help prevent others from being scammed.
                  2. Trace the Transaction: You could consider using a cryptocurrency tracing service to see where your stolen Pi has gone. While this might not result in recovering your coins, it could provide valuable information if you decide to pursue legal action.
                  3. Strengthen Security: It’s essential to change your passphrases immediately and review your security settings. Ensure you’re using all available security measures, like two-factor authentication, to protect your account in the future.

                  Your story is a valuable reminder to the community about staying vigilant. Feel free to reach out if you need more assistance or have any further details to share.

                  Best regards,
                  ScamCrypto Team

              • #2790 Reply
                Aman roy

                  Someone hacked my 10 p coin from my account and transferred it to their account. Can someone please tell me how to get my coin back?

                  • #2794 Reply

                      Hi Aman Roy,

                      We’re sorry to hear that your Pi coins were stolen. Unfortunately, once a cryptocurrency is transferred, it’s nearly impossible to recover it directly. However, here are a few steps you can take:

                      1. Report the Incident: Contact Pi Network support and provide them with all the details. While they may not be able to recover the coins, they can take action against the scammer’s account.
                      2. Trace the Transaction: Consider using a cryptocurrency tracing service to track the movement of your stolen coins. This might provide valuable information if you pursue legal action.
                      3. Increase Security: Change your passphrases and review your account security settings to prevent future incidents.

                      Stay vigilant, and let us know if you need any more assistance.

                      Best regards,
                      The ScamCrypto Team

                  • #2649 Reply

                      This is the scammer address which is the scammer stolen pi coin from pi wallet

                      • #2674 Reply


                          Thank you for confirming the scammer’s address. We’re sorry to hear that you were affected by this. If you’re comfortable sharing, could you let us know how much Pi you lost? Your information could help us better understand the extent of this scam and support others in the community.


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