Home » Topics » Investment Scams » Investment Scam Warning on houds.com Featuring Jeff Bezos Impersonation

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  • #1128 Reply

      Community, please be cautious of a cryptocurrency investment scam associated with the website houds.com. This scam employs a sophisticated deception involving an impersonation of Jeff Bezos in a video on Instagram, where he allegedly promotes houds.com as a groundbreaking cryptocurrency platform offering users free winnings through a gift code.

      Critical Details:

      • Amount Lost: $385
      • Victim’s Location: NY, USA- 10027
      • Scam Website: houds.com
      • Nature of Scam: Victims are lured by a video featuring an impersonator of Jeff Bezos promoting the site and promising free cryptocurrency. To access supposed winnings, individuals are misled into purchasing a premium account, resulting in financial loss without any return.
      • Reported Incident: February 11, 2024
      • Scammer’s Claim: Promotion of houds.com with a “CRYPTOBEZOS” gift code for 0.29BTC free winnings.

      The fraudulent scheme also includes tactics to undermine online discussions or warnings about the scam, such as blocking certain websites or threads that expose their deceitful practices.

      If you have encountered this scam, especially through houds.com, or have been a victim of a similar scheme involving impersonating public figures to endorse cryptocurrency platforms, please share your story. Your experiences are invaluable in helping others recognize and avoid these fraudulent practices.

      Be skeptical of any investment opportunities that require upfront payments for access to earnings, especially those promoted through the use of high-profile impersonations and too-good-to-be-true offers. By spreading awareness and reporting these scams, we can protect our community and hold these deceitful actors accountable.

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    • Author
      • #1131 Reply

          The following complaint was filed with the BBB on February 7, 2024:

          Houds.com appears to be a fraudulent website for trading cryptocurrency. The URL is registered in Iceland, yet their chat support claims the registered office address is 85 Great Portland Street, London, United Kingdom, W1W 7LT.

          Setting up an account requires minimal information. While depositing cryptocurrency seems functional, withdrawing funds appears to necessitate additional deposits under various pretexts. This pattern suggests the site is designed to steal cryptocurrency from individuals and transfer it to their own accounts.

          I have refrained from depositing any funds, suspecting the site’s fraudulent nature. However, it’s crucial to report this site’s operations in a bid to alert others.

          Further information from their chat support includes assurances of security and legality, requiring a deposit of 0.004 BTC for ‘wallet verification’ to resume fund withdrawals. They attribute this to a one-time, automated, decentralized system safeguard against fraud, emphasizing that no manual verification or employee intervention is possible due to their reliance on smart contracts and high-level security protocols.

          Additionally, they promote a promo code, “Elon-boon,” which supposedly credits the user’s account with about $9000. This further entices users to deposit BTC to ‘verify’ their accounts for withdrawal access.

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