ScamCrypto Forum Forums Social Media Scams Scam Alert: Loss of $512 to in Fraudulent Crypto Trading Scheme

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      I was contacted on TikTok regarding cryptocurrency and trading, and the conversation was later shifted to Google Chat. I registered for Trust Wallet and was then directed to, which was presented as a private trading platform. Initially, the minimum investment was set at $200, but following an update, it increased to $500. Consequently, I added another $300, but due to transaction fees with Trust Wallet, I fell short by about $18, which was then covered by the individual who approached me.

      After supposedly generating profits, I was informed that in order to withdraw my earnings of $7,713, I needed to pay an additional $1,000 for a transfer code with the trading platform. I refused to comply. “Steve,” who claimed to be making thousands from the platform, stated that he could only assist me but also refused to pay the fee. He warned me that the fee was time-sensitive due to the platform’s automatic trading system, which could crash, potentially leading to the loss of my profits.

      Scammer’s phone number: (732) 930-0757

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