ScamCrypto Forum Forums Scam Reports and Alerts Potential Scam Involvement – CGL-BMG Crypto Wallet


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  • #1446 Reply

      Alert to the Crypto Community:

      Individuals, particularly those in India, should be wary of using the crypto wallet known as CGL-BMG. A report details a troubling incident in which attempts to withdraw funds were denied despite making deposits through bank transfers to various accounts, save for an initial withdrawal of 90 USDT.

      Key Information:

      • Alleged Scam Entity: CGL-BMG Crypto Wallet
      • Amount Lost: $2,600.00 USD
      • Incident Description: Funds were invested in a crypto wallet (CGL-BMG), which later refused to release the initial deposit, claiming to be a known company in the USA with MSB registration.

      Links and Details:

      • Alleged MSB Registration: (BMG Crypto Group Ltd)

      We implore anyone who has encountered similar situations with CGL-BMG or has information regarding the operation to come forward and share their experiences. Your input could assist in an OSINT investigation and potentially aid others.

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    • Author
      • #2177 Reply
        lalchand kumawat

          A big fraud has been done with me by CGL BMG, if there is any solution, please let me know.
          total amount 60 lac.

          name- lal chand kumawat , mob; 9829590583

          If any help for my problem please let me know.

          • #2178 Reply

              Hello Lalchand,

              I understand how distressing your situation with CGL-BMG must be, especially with such a significant amount involved. Given the circumstances, I strongly recommend scheduling a free consultation with CNC Intelligence. They specialize in cryptocurrency investigations and might be able to assist you in your case.

              If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to ask.

              Best regards,

              ScamCrypto Forum

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