ScamCrypto Forum Forums Investment Scams Review: Warning Against a Dangerous Scam

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      Dear Readers,

      Today’s review focuses on, a cryptocurrency investment platform that has recently come under scrutiny. Despite its professional appearance, our investigation reveals several red flags and inconsistencies that potential investors need to be aware of.

      Regulatory Status and Claims

      – Unregulated Platform: operates without any regulatory oversight, making any investment with them extremely risky.
      – False Claims: They boast a global presence in 199 countries and a staggering daily trading turnover of 2.2 trillion dollars, claims that are unsubstantiated and highly dubious.

      Investment Plans: Unrealistic and Risky

      – STARTER: $350 – $5,000 with 5% daily profit.
      – MASTER: $5,000 – $30,000 with 15% every 48 hours.
      – LEADER: $30,000 – $50,000 with 30% every 48 hours.
      – EXECUTIVE: $50,000+ with 50% every 48 hours.
      – These plans promise unusually high returns, which are practically unattainable and highly indicative of a Ponzi scheme.

      Management: Anonymity and Deception

      – Stock Photos: The management profiles appear to be fabricated using stock images, a common tactic among fraudulent platforms.
      – Inconsistent Information: The CEO and directors’ names are inconsistent and misleading, further eroding trust in the platform.

      User Testimonials: Fabricated and Misleading

      – The testimonials on are likely artificial, using stock photos and vague, overly positive statements.
      – No Verification: These reviews lack specificity and cannot be independently verified.

      Legitimacy Concerns

      – Scam Indicators: With no proper contact details and numerous complaints, displays classic signs of a scam operation.
      – BBB Report: A report on the Better Business Bureau from December 8, 2022, confirms a victim losing $12,000, adding to the platform’s dubious reputation.

      Conclusion: Avoid

      – High Risk of Scam: Given the unregulated status, false claims, and dubious management profiles, is highly likely to be a scam.
      – Caution Advised: Potential investors should exercise extreme caution and avoid any dealings with this platform.

      In conclusion, presents significant risks to any investor considering their services. The platform’s lack of transparency, unrealistic claims, and questionable practices make it a dangerous choice for cryptocurrency investment.

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