Crypto Crime Investigation Review – Scam?

Welcome to our Crypto Crime Investigation review, in which we investigate the website at

Crypto Crime Investigation Review - Screenshot of was registered on March 7, 2023, for one year through Gransy, s.r.o. Hostinger International hosts it.

SimilarWeb ranks them at 13,978,885 globally and 153,211 in Pakistan. In December 2023, they received 400 visits from Pakistan, Egypt, the United States, Indonesia, and Argentina.

It has a SEMrush Authority Score of 11% with almost 28K backlinks from over 800 referring domains. Review

Based on their website, it appears that Crypto Crime Investigation (CCI) is an organization specializing in the investigation and recovery of funds lost to cryptocurrency-related crimes. They offer services that include tracing cryptocurrency transactions on the blockchain, identifying criminals, and assisting in the recovery of stolen funds, often collaborating with international law enforcement. The company’s approach involves a combination of technical analysis, social engineering, and cooperation with legal authorities.

CCI emphasizes its proficiency in using advanced investigative tools, such as Chainalysis Reactor® and other digital forensic methods, to analyze the blockchain and track down scammers. Their investigative process involves careful analysis of client-provided data, online and database searches for related offenses, direct engagement with scammers for evidence gathering, and tracking the flow of funds to identify final beneficiaries.

The company’s website,, provides a range of resources, including information on their services, a crime report form, and contact details. However, specific contact details such as addresses, phone numbers, and social media accounts are not provided, except for an email address:

Crypto Crime Investigation – Red Flags

From the information given, a few potential red flags that might indicate caution include:

  1. Promises of High Recovery Rates: While CCI claims to assist in tracing and potentially recovering stolen cryptocurrency, it’s important to remember that the recovery of funds in such cases is often very challenging and not guaranteed.
  2. Lack of Detailed Contact Information: The absence of detailed contact information, such as specific addresses, direct phone numbers, or named points of contact, could be a concern. Legitimate businesses usually provide clear and direct ways for clients to communicate.
  3. Disclaimers and Limitations: The detailed disclaimers and limitations provided suggest that while they offer investigative services, they do not guarantee the recovery of funds or the successful prosecution of scammers. This is common in the industry but should be noted by potential clients.
  4. Dependency on Client Information: The effectiveness of their services seems heavily reliant on the information provided by clients, which might limit their ability to investigate in cases where clients have limited data on the scam or the scammers.
  5. Legal and Ethical Boundaries: Their methods, particularly in engaging with scammers and gathering information, must adhere to legal and ethical standards, which can vary widely by jurisdiction and case specifics. Reviews

Based on information gathered from various sources, it appears that Crypto Crime Investigation (CCI), accessible at, presents itself as a service specializing in investigating, tracing, and recovering stolen cryptocurrency funds. However, several red flags and concerns about the legitimacy and safety of the website have been raised:

  1. Trust and Safety Scores: has been flagged by multiple online safety and scam detection services. It has received a very low trust score from sources like Scamadviser and Scam Detector, indicating a high likelihood of the site being a scam.
  2. Customer Reviews: The website has garnered negative reviews on platforms like Trustpilot. Users have reported issues such as upfront charges and have labeled the service as another potential scam in the crypto recovery niche.
  3. Domain Information: The domain for was only registered recently, which can be a common characteristic of scam websites. New websites, especially those offering high-risk services like cryptocurrency recovery, warrant extra caution.
  4. Website Identity Concealment: The owner of the website is using a service to hide their identity. While this could be for privacy reasons, it is also a common practice among fraudulent websites to avoid detection and accountability.
  5. Blocklist Status and Security Analysis: The website has been blocklisted by at least one security engine for deceptive activities and has been flagged for offering high-risk cryptocurrency services. Additionally, the site is not popular, indicating low traffic and user engagement, which can be a sign of a lack of credibility.
  6. Investment Scam Warning: Given that CCI is detected as a Business and Finance website, there is a warning to verify required approvals from financial regulators and to be cautious of investment scams.

Crypto Crime Investigation Review Conclusion

In conclusion, the review of Crypto Crime Investigation (CCI) and its website,, presents a complex picture that warrants caution. Despite the site’s claims of specializing in the investigation and recovery of stolen cryptocurrency, the overwhelming evidence from various online safety and scam detection platforms suggests a high likelihood of it being a risk-laden venture.

The combination of very low trust scores, negative customer reviews, and the use of identity-concealing measures by the website’s owner are significant red flags. These elements, coupled with the recent registration of the domain and its classification as a high-risk cryptocurrency service, paint a picture of a potentially untrustworthy operation.

The field of cryptocurrency recovery is inherently fraught with challenges and uncertainties. While the demand for such services is understandably high, given the increasing prevalence of crypto-related fraud, it is imperative that individuals seeking assistance approach with vigilance and thorough due diligence.

For those who have fallen victim to cryptocurrency scams, the desire to recover lost funds can make services like CCI appear as a beacon of hope. However, this review highlights the importance of scrutinizing the legitimacy and track record of any such service before engagement. The internet is rife with entities that prey on the vulnerabilities of scam victims, and it is crucial to navigate this landscape with a critical eye.

Bottom Line

Ultimately, the decision to engage with should be made with an abundance of caution. It is advisable to seek alternative, verifiable, and well-established channels for addressing cryptocurrency fraud. Consulting with reputable financial advisors, legal experts, or established entities in the field of cybercrime can provide a more secure and reliable pathway for those seeking redress and recovery in the volatile and often murky world of cryptocurrency.

If they have scammed you, please drop by our Crypto Crime Investigation forum and share your story with the community!

2 thoughts on “Crypto Crime Investigation Review – Scam?”

  1. Wing Yuen Fun

    I have been scammed by Crypto Crime Investigation after turning to them for help to recover my scammed investment.
    I reported to FBI and want to inform others not to be double scammed like me.

    1. Hi Wong Yuen Fun,

      Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience with Crypto Crime Investigation (CCI). We are truly sorry to hear that you were scammed further after seeking their help. It’s vital for our community to be aware of such fraudulent activities to prevent others from falling victim.

      We appreciate that you have reported the incident to the FBI. Informing others and taking legal steps are crucial actions. If you’re comfortable, please share any additional details about your experience with CCI and the tactics they used. This information could be incredibly helpful to others who might be considering using their services.

      Your contribution is invaluable in our mission to expose scams and support victims. Together, we can raise awareness and help prevent further fraud.

      Best regards,
      The Team

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